Ogre/C# newb questions


10-10-2005 20:48:15

I am experienced using Visual C++. I am messing around with C#. I have VS.Net2003. I used Totoise CVS and downloaded Ogrenew and Ogreaddons. I opened up the OgreDotNet solution (which shows as OgreBindings). I did a build and got the following:
C:\sc\ogreaddons\ogredotnet\DemoCEGUI\CEGUIApplication.cs(4): The type or namespace name 'OgreDotNet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

and a lot of other errors, but this is the first and if I figure it out, I suspect I can easily fix the others.
Did I skip some steps, or more importantly is there a document I can reference on building Ogredotnet?

I am new to C#, CVS, and Ogre.... :(



10-10-2005 21:17:02

Your first step should be to check out the Ogre WIKI. http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/OgreDotNet

Also, there are 2 sln files in the CVS right now... be sure you open the OgreDotNet one, not the OgreNet one.