Problem on using Newton


12-11-2009 03:34:53


I have followed the guide to compile Newton LIB and DLL and its OK.

But when i try put on my project and BUILD it, i have some exceptions on console:

What im do incorrect.

My project settings:
--- Additional Dependencies: OgreMain_d.lib OIS_d.lib OgreNewt.lib

--- Additional Library Directories:
D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_vs\lib; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\newton\x32\dll_vs9; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_newton\lib\debug

-- Additional Include Directories:
D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_vs\include; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_newton\include; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\newton


12-11-2009 04:37:44

seems you are missing the newton.lib, pointing the path to the .lib file is not enough :) hope this helps


12-11-2009 10:58:24


i forgot it but now i put and when i rebuild i got the same error:

My project settings:
--- Additional Dependencies: OgreMain_d.lib OIS_d.lib newton.lib OgreNewt.lib

--- Additional Library Directories:
D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_vs\lib; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\newton\x32\dll_vs9; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_newton\lib\debug

-- Additional Include Directories:
D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_vs\include; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\ogre_newton\include; D:\Downloads\Cpp\LIB\newton


12-11-2009 14:54:03

i did not get any error when compiling the Demos from the SVN, except for the simple Vehicle. my dev environment is:

ogre SDK 1,62
Newton SDK 2.10
SVN version of ogreNewton2.0

make sure you have added the path to the porper includes, like:
* ogreNewt20\inc
* newton210\sdk
* boost_1_40_0\boost_1_40_0

the propper libs paths:
* newton210\sdk\x32\dll_vs9
* ogreNewt20Build\Release or ogreNewt20Build\Debug <---depending on your build

The propper source directories

* Newton_Physics\ogreNewt20\src

i preffer setting this in the IDE except for the project becouse this paths will be used everytime you do something with newton and ogreNewt.. i will write a small how to compile the DEMOS..

basically your errors can be caused for a missing .lib or becouse you are not including the .cpp and .h files that are needed by the .lib

hope this helps..


12-11-2009 16:58:27

Yeah, the errors happen only when the compiler will link.

It compile all without problem, but when linking i got the problem.

Om my mind i think too that is left some .lib, but i dont know what lib.

I have compile ogrenewt, debug and release, with batch compile on VS 2008, to compile all.

I dont understand the problem.

Im use debug on project, because this i put the lib of debug.