Export models with scale factor?


12-09-2006 12:24:15

I wonder if there is any way to set a scale factor for an object so it is bigger or smaller in ogre than it is in max... I need this as our engine uses very small units due to the physic engine and it is almost impossible to work in max with such small objects

best regards


13-09-2006 00:42:17

If you need to scale the objects in your application, then set a "OnEntityLoaded" callback event for the Scene Loader and scale the object to your needs

Why you cant set your scale units needed in max?


13-09-2006 13:10:35

However I change the system units in max, ofusion seems to export the mesh exactly the same... or I have done something wrong.

We can't scale the objects when loading into the map as they are animated characters consisting of many parts. The best would be if ofusion could export them with a scale factor