keyframe animation question


22-03-2007 12:43:23


i am an ogre programmer and familiar with using animations within ogre.
until now a graphical artist created all 3d modelling stuff so i didnt get in contact with it. but now i wanna try to do it myself.
i tried to create a keyframe animation and export it with ofusion. somehow in 3dsmax i can see my keyframe animation, but it doesnt export it correctly.

what i tried.

1.) created a box in 3dsmax, converted it to mesh
2.) activated auto key, moved the box a bit around, moved animation slider to frame 30, moved box again, and moved slider to 50
3.) then i clicked play, and animation is shown correctly
4.) export->osm, export options all activated, also added a new animation into the list of animations and marked "export animations", name:idle,start:0,end:60,offset:0
exported it
5.) opened lexivew, mesh is shown, but no animation in the list
6.) xmlconverter converted to xml file, also there is no animation

what did i do wrong?
i am sorry if there are other posts like this, could not find the solution.
also couldnt find a step-by-step tutorial

thanks for your help



22-03-2007 16:24:25

You need to load the OSM file that is produced

See the oScene Loader Demo for more details, this application loads the OSM scene files and automatically plays all the animations


22-03-2007 18:04:12

but i dont wanna use any osm scene file.
is it a must to use it? i thought ofusion can include the animation in the .mesh file


22-03-2007 18:16:25

Your animation is what I would call a 'node' animation. All the keyframes with the nodes transformations are stored in the OSM file. They are not part of the mesh itself. I have not tried lexiview yet but I suppose that the only animations that can be played are skeleton and morphs.