*noob* multitexturing a complex building


16-04-2006 17:14:45

:D Hello everyone ,

I am new to ofusion and just started with it. But not getting texturing that fine (specially multi object ,multitexturing). Any tuts for newbies about texturing .

PLease Help


16-04-2006 18:49:09

Texturing and material tutorials will be posted later

What effect you need/want to do?


18-04-2006 08:59:18


I have designed a building in 3dsmax having multiple rooms . Now I wants to mutitexture the building . So that I can see that with textute in Ofusion.

How to do that.


18-04-2006 16:47:50

If you have worked with the tutorials, then you should understand the material system

Read the "Working with Materials" chapter of the User's Guide to earn what are the techniques, the passes and the textureUnits

Multitexture is different from Multi Material, so if you need to have different materials or textures for different parts of your object, you should use multi material with the Multi/Sub-Object material, then you can upgarde this multi material to ogre material and use the advanced options

Multitexture is for creating effects with multiple textures on the same geometry, blending or mixing textures over (i.e. lightmaps, grass/mud terrain), or environment maps

Multitexture is done by adding textureUnits in the pass material

Test by playing with the "Blend mode" setting of the TextureUnit (with several texture units in the same pass) and see how they work


25-09-2007 20:31:52

If you have worked with the tutorials, then you should understand the material system

Where are these tutorials?
Do you mean these? :

I'm pretty new to orge/ofusion too and got alot of issues to get my models properly exported, but these tutorials doens't explain how to set up materials and how to export it.
I'm interested in "Working with Materials" and i would like to understand the workflow.
The ProManual at ofusion seems be locked for pro-users only? - as i can't open the chm.


25-09-2007 22:29:12

I guess he meant the ofusion tutorials ;)


26-09-2007 12:14:19

"Evaluating to Ogre Materials" or "update to ogre material"
that's what i like to do, but i tried to open the ogre viewport in 3dsmax7 and it doesn't work.
Does the viewport only work in the pro version of the plugin?


26-09-2007 13:11:50

If you´re evaluating a textured building and you´ve problems:

you probably did not set the "self ilumination" to white.

There is a script wich is supossed to work that sets all your submaterials "sel f ilumination" to white. As far as I´ve tested in serveral times, it does not work.


26-09-2007 15:53:02

Is there a message when you activate the viewport or other hints that might help in defining what your issue is?


27-09-2007 14:30:41

I tried a few ogre exporters lately, probably it messed up the ofusions plugin. I reinstalled ofusion and the viewport is working now.
But i haven't had a chance to test it yet, at least i can follow the tutorials now.
Thanks for the tipps

If you´re evaluating a textured building and you´ve problems:

you probably did not set the "self ilumination" to white.

There is a script wich is supossed to work that sets all your submaterials "sel f ilumination" to white. As far as I´ve tested in serveral times, it does not work.

Maybe i had it to black, i think its default in material editor.
But you can copy/drag materials slots in 3dsmax easily, so you just have to set up 1 slot and drag it to the other, you just need to change the texture.


27-09-2007 15:28:33

good luck and dont forget to show us your results :P


07-10-2007 14:22:29

Multi sub object is working now, but i used a transparent texture. Now the engine doesn't render the textures behind transparent surfaces... it just renders the terrain behind transparent glas.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
It's shown in the ogre viewport, but not in game.


08-10-2007 17:10:31

Review your material (pass) z buffer settings (depth write, read)


08-10-2007 20:36:41

Here is an ingame screenshot. Below is the material file of the greenhouse (#3):

material 01_-_Default/glas_01
ambient 0.705882 0.705882 0.705882 0.1
diffuse 0.705882 0.705882 0.705882 0.1
specular 1 1 1 0.1 20
emissive 0 0 0 0.1
scene_blend one one_minus_dest_colour
depth_func always_pass
depth_bias 1
cull_software front

texture_alias textureUnit_0
texture spheremap.png
env_map cubic_reflection



material 01_-_Default/metal_01
ambient 0.321569 0.321569 0.321569 1
specular 0 0 0 1 20
cull_hardware none
cull_software none

texture_alias textureUnit_0
texture metal_01.png



material 01_-_Default/door
ambient 0.321569 0.321569 0.321569 1
specular 1 1 1 1 82
cull_hardware none
cull_software none

texture_alias textureUnit_0
texture door_01.png



material 01_-_Default/flower_01
ambient 0.321569 0.321569 0.321569 1
specular 1 1 1 1 100
cull_hardware none
cull_software none

texture_alias textureUnit_0
texture flowers_01.png



material 01_-_Default/sand_01
ambient 0.321569 0.321569 0.321569 1
specular 1 1 1 1 92
alpha_rejection greater 128
cull_hardware none
cull_software none

texture_alias textureUnit_0
texture sand_01.png



I also got a problem with normalmaps, if you still disposed to help with that, too.
The box with the normalmap (#2) is working in 3dsmax ogre viewport but it's shown different in game.
Here's the code for the box:
material aaa_test
ambient 0.588235 0.588235 0.588235 1
diffuse 0.588235 0.588235 0.588235 1
specular 0 0 0 1 10

vertex_program_ref tutorial_BumpMap_vs
param_named_auto view_proj_matrix worldviewproj_matrix
param_named_auto light_position light_position_object_space 0
param_named_auto eye_position camera_position_object_space
param_named_auto inv_view_matrix inverse_worldview_matrix

fragment_program_ref tutorial_BumpMap_ps
param_named_auto specular light_specular_colour 0
param_named Ka float 0.3
param_named Kd float 1
param_named Ks float 1
param_named specular_power float 15
param_named bumpiness float 2
param_named_auto ambient ambient_light_colour
param_named_auto diffuse light_diffuse_colour 0

texture_alias Map #1
texture Fieldstone.tga

texture_alias Map #2
texture FieldstoneBumpDOT3.tga
colour_op_ex add src_texture src_current
colour_op_multipass_fallback dest_colour zero
alpha_op_ex add src_texture src_current



Would be great if you could take a look at the materials and point me to the issue(s). :roll:


09-10-2007 16:24:31

To enable alpha blending, you set the blend to "alpha" (Src Alpha, Inv Src Alpha)

Then you can control the transparency with the "Opacity" value

Disable z write (Depth write) to display the objects behind the transparent material

Why you have a different cull software and depth funcs?

Search this forum form similar threads

Or search the knowledge base articles

Here are some links for more information:

Transparent materials and images

Enviroment Mapping using Alpha masks

In the Scenes section you can download sample scenes that contain trasparent materials (with an environment map reflective glass)