new to ogreal


12-12-2007 01:59:44

hello all

i'm making a powerboat race game. I'm new to game developing, and i'm using ogre. I think that ogreAL is the best and easiest choice for the sound engine part for somone who uses ogre right?

anyway... i'm trying to set everything up, and i can't understand how can i download ogreAL. Do i have to download every single folder and file that is showing up when i click the svn head...? (in the download thread). Some advise pls...

and a second question...this is more general. I want to make the engine to sound like speeding when the player speeds the boat. Is this just a higher frequency? How do i start? do i have to download a low rpm sample...and then just alter the frequency just to sound like the boat is speeding?

thanks you all in advance


12-12-2007 03:31:52

To download OgreAL, you'll need an SVN Client. The easiest one to use on Windows is TortoiseSVN ( Once you install it and restart your computer you'll see additional options in your pop-up menu when you right click. Go to the folder you want to put OgreAL into and right click and select SVN Checkout.

This will bring up a window. Use the URL from the setup post to and make sure the path is where you want OgreAL and click OK.

Everything in the OgreAL SVN repo will be downloaded to your computer! I'll add this to the setup thread!

As for your second question, there is a setPitch() method associated with sounds, so you can make it sound like a motor winding up by changing that.


12-12-2007 14:35:03

thanks a lot!!


13-12-2007 01:17:40

everything went ok till i tried to build finally an ogreAL demo.

many errors all the same: ...\include\ogrealoggsound.h(42) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ogg/ogg.h': No such file or directory

what's the problem?

and sth more... what exactly is ogrenew that i must point in plugins.cfg? i'm a bit confused.



13-12-2007 01:37:35

Did you follow the instructions in the [url= Setup Post?

It's looking for the Ogg Vorbis headers, if you follow the instructions in the post mentioned it will tell you where to get them and where to put them. The ogrenew folder is the base folder for Ogre if you build it from source. If you are using the OgreSDK, then you don't need to worry about it because the installer sets up the environment variable for you.

As for the plugins.cfg, the first line tells your program where to find the Ogre dll's, so you'll need to put a path that looks like this:



13-12-2007 11:31:14

Did you follow the instructions in the [url= Setup Post?

It's looking for the Ogg Vorbis headers, if you follow the instructions in the post mentioned it will tell you where to get them and where to put them. The ogrenew folder is the base folder for Ogre if you build it from source. If you are using the OgreSDK, then you don't need to worry about it because the installer sets up the environment variable for you.

As for the plugins.cfg, the first line tells your program where to find the Ogre dll's, so you'll need to put a path that looks like this:


yes sure. that's what i've been following. I made a folder structure... like
c:/audiodev/(some more files and folders like include, lib, license etc. that were automatically downloaded)

is this correct?

the building of the ogg and vorbis projects was successful (with some warnings though).


13-12-2007 11:57:26

Close, but not exactly. It should look like this:


It's kind of weird how Visual Studio does things with the OgreAL folder INSIDE the OgreAL folder, so a lot of people get confused.


13-12-2007 14:01:02

ok i built all the demos...and finally they're working fine.

thanks for the help.

p.s the actual mistake was that when i created the audioDev folder... i then made right click an svn checkout (As show in the instructions). But in order to get the structure as your last post...then you need to make an ogreAL folder inside the audioDev and then run svn checkout in this... and then place ogg an vorbis inside audioDev.