[SOLVED] Reubication of nodes on startup


02-03-2011 18:20:20

Hi, I'm new to OgreBullet and I was following the instructions on the tutorials.

Strangely, after creating the bodies and physical shapes, the nodes appear to reubicate on the cartesian origin (0,0,0).

//------- there I create the Box

Entity *entity = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Box", "cube.mesh");

AxisAlignedBox boundingB = entity->getBoundingBox();

Vector3 BoxSize = Vector3::ZERO;
BoxSize = boundingB.getSize();


SceneNode *BoxNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();


//-------------------------- Here I set the BOXNode to certain position (definitelly not origin).
BoxNode->setPosition(0.0, entity->getBoundingBox().getMaximum().y+0.01, -10.0);

BoxNode->scale(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f); // the cube is too big for us
BoxSize /= 2.0f; // only the half needed

BoxSize *= 0.05f; // don't forget to scale down the Bullet-box too
BoxSize *= 0.96f; // Bullet margin is a bit bigger so we need a smaller size
// (Bullet 2.76 Physics SDK Manual page 18)

//------------------------------- now I start with the Physics stuff
OgreBulletCollisions::BoxCollisionShape *sceneBoxShape =
new OgreBulletCollisions::BoxCollisionShape(BoxSize);

// and the Bullet rigid body
OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody *BoxBody = new OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody(

BoxNode, //<-- Here is the BoxNode
0.01f, // dynamic body restitution
0.01f, // dynamic body friction
500.0f, // dynamic bodymass
BoxNode->getPosition(), // starting position of the box <-- here i set the same //position as the OgreNode.
Quaternion(0,0,0,1));// orientation of the box


After this all, when I use the Bullet FrameListener, the Nodes automatically reset to 0,0,0.

Any clue on what I'm missing here?

Thanks in advance.


03-03-2011 01:04:25

It looks like the position of the node is lost during the setShape step.
I solved it by saving the position on a temporal vector3 and asigning it again on the position parameter.

Is this a normal behavior? the node matrix is altered during the setShape step?