How to make custom actions after collision occured?


24-06-2011 12:05:18


I've managed to make two collision boxes with ogrebullet, they're properly shown by the debugDrawer and everything works so far, but now I need to do something when the collision occurs between them, how can I make it? Thanks in advance :)


25-06-2011 11:42:07

This should work.

OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody *box1;
OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody *box2;
OgreBulletDynamics::DynamicsWorld *mWorld;

// Simulate.

// Number of manifolds.
const unsigned int numManifolds =

// Go through every manifold.
for (unsigned int i=0; i < numManifolds; i++)
// Get current manifold.
btPersistentManifold* contactManifold =

// Get collisionpair.
btCollisionObject* obA =
btCollisionObject* obB =

// Check if the two colliding objects are the boxes.
if ( (box1->getBulletObject() == obA && box2->getBulletObject() == obB)
|| (box2->getBulletObject() == obA && box1->getBulletObject() == obB) )
// Your code here.

// Refresh contact points.

// Get number of contact points of these two objects.
const unsigned int numContacts = contactManifold->getNumContacts();

// Go through every contact point.
for (unsigned int j = 0;j < numContacts; j++)
// Get current manifold point.
btManifoldPoint& pt = contactManifold->getContactPoint(j);

// Get positions.
btVector3 ptA = pt.getPositionWorldOnA();
btVector3 ptB = pt.getPositionWorldOnB();

// Transform to ogre.
Vector3 aPoint = Vector3(ptA.x(), ptA.y(), ptA.z());
Vector3 bPoint = Vector3(ptB.x(), ptB.y(), ptB.z());

// Your code here if need to check the collision by contact points.

} // End for each point.
} // End for each contact manifold.


28-06-2011 09:29:08

I also need help on this problem.
I find the similiar code in OgreBulletDynamics::CollisionsWorld::discreteCollide() and OgreBulletDynamics::DynamicsWorld::stepSimulation(...).
But, Is there any callback function avaiable to let the developer make custom actions after collision occured?
If not, I have to put Caith's code in MyLisener::frameEnded() or MyLisener::frameEnded() , right?

Any suggestion is appreciated.


28-06-2011 12:03:00

I also need help on this problem.
I find the similiar code in OgreBulletDynamics::CollisionsWorld::discreteCollide() and OgreBulletDynamics::DynamicsWorld::stepSimulation(...).
But, Is there any callback function avaiable to let the developer make custom actions after collision occured?
If not, I have to put Caith's code in MyLisener::frameEnded() or MyLisener::frameEnded() , right?

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Check the bullet wiki and bullet demos, there is an example in the 2nd link that you should be able to cut and paste. ... d_Triggers ... csDemo.cpp