

01-09-2007 11:19:41

Is there ANY docs for this? Like API docs.



03-09-2007 09:35:07

As far as I know there are just the header files.

What you could do is use the Bullet docs and samples as reference and just search for the equivalent in the binding. Works quiet well.


14-10-2007 16:30:15

yes, I need this Bullet docs and samples as reference too.


15-10-2007 15:57:29

Unfortunately, there are no docs yet (BTW, I'm NOT the maintainer, I just am using the libraries). You can figure out how to do a lot of stuff from the demos, but the demos don't cover all the functions that TUan has put in.

Sigh. It's a classic case of documentation being the last on the list of importance for a programmer. Bullet also suffers from this terribly. All of us are working on our own projects, and maintaining documentation does not help our own projects move forward.

Still, Open Source development is too dependent on just a few people with others not contributing enough. Perhaps when I get knowledgeable enough about Bullet and OgreBullet, I will try to write some tutorials/documentation..



15-10-2007 17:00:06

From what I read over the weekend, (speaking on behalf of the collision side, not dynamics) the wrapper mainly allows shapes and collision objects to be attached to scene nodes, as well as be visually rendered for debugging. The sample demos should give you a good intro on how to use OgreBullet for the collision side of things. For additional information, there are a lot of helpful people on the Bullet Forums.

Also, I didn't grab from CVS, so things could have changed. I didn't see a capsule shape in the source I downloaded, it would be simple enough to add. 2.63 was just released, and 2.64 may contain a character controller demo. Its good to see Bullet is pretty active in development. :)