23-05-2009 14:13:18
I've integrated MyGUI into my engine, and I'm trying to simplify the usage and the look of the interface. One big this is the sliders; they look a bit too much like scroll bars and I'd like to make them easier to read.
Here's an example of what I'm aiming for:
MyGUI looks very different and I'm not familiar with the skinning yet... So a few questions:
I've integrated MyGUI into my engine, and I'm trying to simplify the usage and the look of the interface. One big this is the sliders; they look a bit too much like scroll bars and I'd like to make them easier to read.
Here's an example of what I'm aiming for:
MyGUI looks very different and I'm not familiar with the skinning yet... So a few questions:
- How easy would it be to overlay text onto the sliders?[/*:m]
- Can I easily remove the left and right buttons from the slider?[/*:m]
- Does the slider behavior support clicking on a point to set its position?[/*:m][/list:u]
Any help is more than welcome.