17-07-2009 08:29:23
I create a custorm font like:
then i load this font into my app like:
As a result, i have a window with caption is:

It appears that the font doesn't apply to window caption.
I found a web page which describes a vietnamese font encoding in detail but i don't know how to put these code ranges into font definition file.
This is the link:
so if anyone know about unicode fonts, pls post your idea to assist me in using vietnamese font in MyGUI..
Thank you so much !
I create a custorm font like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Font">
<Font name="seogui.17" default_height="17" source="SEGOEUI.ttf" size="19" resolution="50" antialias_colour="false" space_width="4" tab_width="8" cursor_width="2" distance="6" offset_height="0">
<Code range="0 255"/>
<Code range="259 7928" />
then i load this font into my app like:
MyGUI::WindowPtr wCn = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().findWidget<MyGUI::Window>("ConnectWindow");
wCn->setCaption("Đang kết nối..."); //expected text
As a result, i have a window with caption is:
It appears that the font doesn't apply to window caption.
I found a web page which describes a vietnamese font encoding in detail but i don't know how to put these code ranges into font definition file.
This is the link:
so if anyone know about unicode fonts, pls post your idea to assist me in using vietnamese font in MyGUI..
Thank you so much !