22-07-2009 22:44:50
Hi MyGui guys
hope you can help me with this problem (think its the last one to get it compiled to be mogre 1.6.2 compatible)
possible way to fix?
thank you, and thank you for a very great gui
No ideas? thought it is simple for the c++ guys

hope you can help me with this problem (think its the last one to get it compiled to be mogre 1.6.2 compatible)
property Convert<const Ogre::UTFString &>::Type Caption
Convert<const Ogre::UTFString &>::Type get( )
//complains c2664: can not cast from const MyGUI::UString to const Ogre::UTFString (free translation ;) )
return Convert<const Ogre::UTFString &>::To( static_cast<ThisType*>(mNative)->getCaption() );
void set(Convert<const Ogre::UTFString &>::Type _value)
static_cast<ThisType*>(mNative)->setCaption( Convert<const Ogre::UTFString &>::From(_value) );
//convert function (i guess^^)
template <> struct Convert<const Ogre::UTFString&>
typedef System::String^ Type;
inline static System::String^ To(const Ogre::UTFString& _value) { return string_utility::utf16_to_managed(_value); }
inline static Ogre::UTFString From(System::String^ _value) { return string_utility::managed_to_utf16(_value); }
possible way to fix?
thank you, and thank you for a very great gui

No ideas? thought it is simple for the c++ guys