I really like your GUI system but please take a litlle time to write a real documentation about each widget, their purposes, how they works and about the general coding philosophy of the framework. I would like to continue to use your API because it seem to be really great but the time i spend in searching for documentation is too high and releasing demos is not enough.
thx for all
28-05-2010 09:46:43
For crying out loud, I was initially drawn to this GUI because of it's attractive feature set but am very close to dropping MyGUI from my project because of its total and complete lack of documentation. The Doxygen API is NOT remotely adequate as its just a dump of raw functions none of which have any comments. And your Demos are terrible, they are far to complex and cryptic and can only be understood by someone who already knows the system inside and out and once again have no comments.
The only shred of useful documentation (without which I never would have gotten any ware with this system) are the four pages at
These are sufficient for getting the GUI integrated and making a button with a delegate but after that the new user SIMPLY FALLS OFF A DOCUMENTATION CLIFF, at the least their needs to be simple examples of how to use each widget type on the wiki or in the Demos (with a single Demo for each widget, clearly labeled as such and with explanatory commenting and ideally a screen shot of each widget).
Their is simply no excuse for this, the Original posters request is almost a year old now and and the GUI is in active use with people suffering from these same basic problems continually on the forums, every time these people have likely wasted many hours searching and asking that could have been saved with simple documentation that the developer/s are clearly capable of writing. I know every good programmer would rather be writing code then docs but if development tools like MyGUI are to be of any value to people they must be usable and to be usable they must be documented well.
21-06-2010 23:47:53
Updated Wiki link for TikiWiki:
There's six pages at that Wiki link now...
You're welcome.
P.S. This forum contains a great deal of documentation on MyGUI. It just requires searching. (And unfortunately some of it has expired off of pastebin and its ilk.) If you find an answer to a question like those at that Wiki link, spend a few minutes and create a new page.
At the top of the linked page, in the entry box to the right of the home/left/up/right icon buttons, fill in a new page name like "MyGUI my problem fix", check the Child checkbox, push the Add Page button, and start writing. Then go back to the linked page and edit it and add a link to your new page.
Your Wiki login is the same as your forum login.
21-06-2010 23:53:08
Great wiki work! Looks like you know your way around Tiki, DragonM - nice use of the remarksbox!
One little tip:
If you put this on the parent page:
{toc type="fancy"}
then all the child pages will automagically appear, with the page description and all.
(You can set the page description on the 'Properties' tab in edit mode).
Try it.

You don't have remember neither forget.
22-06-2010 02:09:39
Great wiki work! Looks like you know your way around Tiki, DragonM - nice use of the remarksbox! 
Not at all. I just read documentation well.
One little tip:
If you put this on the parent page:
{toc type="fancy"}
then all the child pages will automagically appear, with the page description and all.
(You can set the page description on the 'Properties' tab in edit mode).
Try it. 
You don't have remember neither forget. 
I saw the fancy TOC option, but didn't know it did that. Unfortunately one of the MyGUI sample pages is not a child of the sample page. I neglected to check the Child checkbox on my first new page there. I haven't been able to find a way to relocate a page. (Or rename one, for that matter. It has a name that doesn't match the pattern the others use, which should be fixed.)
Ok, the errant page has been relocated, but not yet renamed.
22-06-2010 02:38:31
"MyGUI enable tooltips" ?
Page renames are dangerous because they change all the links in the wiki, which is why only admins can do that.
I made the mistake of renaming Setting Up An Application to Setting Up An Application - Shoggoth - and all the links were changed to using that link.. Lot's of work..
You want me to change the name of that page?
22-06-2010 03:09:45
"MyGUI enable tooltips" ?
Page renames are dangerous because they change all the links in the wiki, which is why only admins can do that.
I made the mistake of renaming Setting Up An Application to Setting Up An Application - Shoggoth - and all the links were changed to using that link.. Lot's of work.. 
You want me to change the name of that page? 
Yes, that one.
Dangerous? Not dangerous. Just... far-reaching.
You don't have remember neither forget. 
If that was a Danish idiom, it didn't translate well. And shouldn't you be in bed? It's 04:00 there.
24-06-2010 13:48:44
I meant that you don't have to remember adding the links.
That was late night English.
Page was renamed to 'MyGUI enable tooltips'
29-06-2010 12:14:24
Hi Folks,
Sorry jacmoe, I added
http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/HowTo+change+text+colour which doesn't follow the naming convention. Could you rename it if you get time.
I know it's a small topic, but I didn't find it immediately obvious that one could change the text colour at all.
All the best,