20-08-2009 07:08:59
Just wanted to make a quick question to the developers. Now that Ogre itself has an exclusion for static linking in commercial projects, are you considering adding a similar clause to MyGUI? As justification, I can only offer the same rationale that was used for the decision for the Ogre project.
As you know, this would simply be to make the installation and maintenance of any executable easier. I'm sure the impact on attribution would also be quite minor... People have for ages listed logos of technologies used in projects on loading screens and disk covers just for the cool factor, and I personally would much rather put a logo somewhere because I'm using an open source product that's actually good than because a commercial license requires me to.
As you know, this would simply be to make the installation and maintenance of any executable easier. I'm sure the impact on attribution would also be quite minor... People have for ages listed logos of technologies used in projects on loading screens and disk covers just for the cool factor, and I personally would much rather put a logo somewhere because I'm using an open source product that's actually good than because a commercial license requires me to.