25-08-2009 02:52:13
I am using font that have sharp in the character how é, í, ô, ú and ç. But when I add this character in the Edit for example, the character dont show, only one space clear, but if i copy and past this text in one editor, the ç character present normally and é character for example present only how e.
What's the problem?
25-08-2009 06:57:10
You should add specific characters range to font to make them printable.
25-08-2009 11:00:11
Range is the file core_font.xml? My font in the file is:
<Font name="AARDC.18" default_height="18" source="AARDC.ttf" size="17" resolution="50" antialias_colour="false" space_width="4" tab_width="8" cursor_width="2" distance="7" offset_height="0">
<Code range="33 126"/>
<Code range="1025 1105"/>
<Code range="8470"/>
<Code hide="128"/>
<Code hide="1026 1039"/>
<Code hide="1104"/>
I am using equal the others fonts in the core_font.xml. How i must discovery new values of range trying?
30-08-2009 18:49:55
I try many values in the parameter, but the "ç" and "é" por example dont show. Any idea?
30-08-2009 21:27:06
31-08-2009 12:36:28
I think you should use latin-1 supplement section of the Unicode standard, that works fine for italian (we have é and ç on our keyboard too, as well as ìèùàò)
<Code range="161 255" /> <!-- Latin-1 Supplement -->
if you need latin extended A and B too, the codes are:
<Code range="256 591" /> <!-- Latin Extended A-B -->
Beware that the last ones are a lot of codes, so try the latin-1 supplement before trying this
31-08-2009 20:37:13
Thank you very much Illidanz and, I get use "ç" and "é" in my application. One remark, is that i need press the key "´" two times for add the accent for the letter "e". This is one little strange...
23-05-2010 02:12:45
Thank you very much Illidanz and, I get use "ç" and "é" in my application. One remark, is that i need press the key "´" two times for add the accent for the letter "e". This is one little strange...
I'm encountering the very same problem with accents. Is there any solution? It happens with all accents, not just with "é".
For now I'm using this workaround when injecting key presses to MyGUI:
if(arg.key == OIS::KC_APOSTROPHE || arg.key == OIS::KC_LBRACKET) mGUI->injectKeyPress(arg);
I hope to find a better solution thought