21-09-2009 20:22:02
hi, we are using a word wrap to display chat in our game. It works pretty well except for that sometimes words will get cut off on the right edge instead of wrapping to the next line. Here is a picture of what I am talking about:

here is the code for the layout:
any ideas on how to fix? we are using MyGUI version 2.2.2
here is the code for the layout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Layout">
<Widget type="Edit" skin="Edit" position="8 688 512 24" align="Left Bottom" layer="Back" name="chatinput">
<Property key="Widget_NeedKey" value="true"/>
<Property key="Text_FontName" value="ManualFont"/>
<Property key="Text_FontHeight" value="17"/>
<Property key="Widget_NeedMouse" value="false"/>
<Property key="Widget_Alpha" value="1.0"/>
<Widget type="Edit" skin="WordWrap" position="8 499 520 185" align="Left Bottom" layer="Back" name="chatview">
<Property key="Edit_WordWrap" value="true"/>
<Property key="Edit_VisibleVScroll" value="false"/>
<Property key="Widget_Enabled" value="false"/>
<Property key="Edit_VisibleHScroll" value="false"/>
<Property key="Edit_MaxTextLength" value="-1"/>
any ideas on how to fix? we are using MyGUI version 2.2.2