13-10-2009 17:26:09
Hey there,
Ive a problem with clicking on a button, i use mouseclick for Character movement and when im clicking on a button the Character moves aswell...
I want when i click on a button the character stands still.
Is there a simple solution for this problem.
i use this for raycast:
Ive a problem with clicking on a button, i use mouseclick for Character movement and when im clicking on a button the Character moves aswell...
I want when i click on a button the character stands still.
Is there a simple solution for this problem.
i use this for raycast:
const MyGUI::IntPoint& mousePos = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().getMousePosition();
Ray mouseRay = GlbVar.mCamera->getCameraToViewportRay(mousePos.left/float(arg.state.width), mousePos.top/float(arg.state.height));
bool ok = GlbVar.col->raycastFromPoint(mouseRay.getPoint(0),mouseRay.getDirection(),result, (ulong&)tmpE, distToColl, QF_LEVELGEOMETRY);
node = tmpE->getParentSceneNode();
GlbVar.wayPath = result;