26-10-2009 22:44:32
Im not sure why MYGUI is crashing at all. I have tried to debug the application and it is crashing at
In the error log i found ....
Could this warning be causing the crash? Everything works fine until i try to create this button. I tried looking elsewhere and cant find anything.
Im not sure why MYGUI is crashing at all. I have tried to debug the application and it is crashing at
MyGUI::ButtonPtr buttonStart = mMenuWindow->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>("Button", 5, 5, 50, 25, MyGUI::Align::Center, "Start");
In the error log i found ....
17:40:31 | General | Warning | Texture 'cust_buttons2.png' have non power ow two size | c:\program files\mygui2.2.2_source\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 296
Could this warning be causing the crash? Everything works fine until i try to create this button. I tried looking elsewhere and cant find anything.