20-11-2009 13:26:44
Same as the title says, can I have WIKI access?
20-11-2009 17:13:36
Every user have a wiki access - use same account as for main forum.
We will be glad if you'll start writing mini guides

and I can help you with any related questions.
20-11-2009 21:28:05
25-11-2009 07:24:58
25-11-2009 09:18:40

Well, you could've asked before doing this. The page that you made looks worse than it was

I'll revert page for now. And actually I see no reasons for changing main page completely.
And please don't do so radical changes without asking. First you asked about mini guides for newbies and it's okay to write them in any style you prefer and do whatever you want, but changing main page is not 'mini guide'
Sorry, I know this reply in not what you wanted to see, but better concentrate on mini guides and changing pages rather than remaking them from scratch.
25-11-2009 10:33:16
Thats okey, all I want is to give my efforts and yet better to know is that now I have someone guiding me
I'll write the guides the put them up for review soon. Relax, and sorry if I shocked you
Thanks jitinsameer

this projet reaaally miss a documentation. What a shame because it is also the most promising gui project for ogre.
04-12-2009 08:49:47
i very very expect guides for mygui!
05-12-2009 02:36:00
little tutorial, little comments, I am very sorry to give up MyGui!
But i expect for MyGui3.0 and more detail document and tutorial, and very appreciate author's work!