It is possible to modifiy drawing order of sibling childs after their creation ?
I really need to reorder sibling childs of a widget because they overlap and i don't find any exemple doing this.
29-11-2009 12:41:24
Can you please show exmaple where you need it. Probably you should use child widgets or overlapped layer instead.
Here is the hierachy i need
|-- staticimage type A
|-- staticimage type A
|-- staticimage type A
|-- staticimage type B
|-- staticimage type B
|-- ...
for some reason i need the static images B to be drawn above static images A but when i dynamically add a new type A image is appended after the last B. So i tryed to add two addtional child like this
|--+ widget A(empty panel)
|-- staticimage type A
|-- staticimage type A
|-- staticimage type A
|--+ widget B(empty panel)
|-- staticimage type B
|-- staticimage type B
|-- ...
so i thought all B's would be above all A's but it doesn't work. Every static image of type A i dynamically add appear above B.
I looked at the layer system but layers seems to be additional roots so it doesn't help because i need all the static images to be childs of canvas.
What do you advise me?
02-12-2009 00:51:21
Well, if it is possible and B is smaller than A and over specific A you can create B as child for A.
If this doesn't fit you please show screenshot.
In fact B are nodes et A are connectors. As a node can have multiples connector it should be child of multiple connector to be rightly diplayed (i mean above connectors).
I will cut connectors overlapping parts so the problem will be solved.
You may be consider adding the possibility to organize childs into layers at each node of the widget tree to allow a better flexibility.
thx for your help and nice job.