16-01-2010 10:20:00
Thanks for any info
16-01-2010 10:20:00
16-01-2010 15:49:07
17-01-2010 07:31:08
The C compiler identification is GNU
The CXX compiler identification is GNU
Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
Detecting C compiler ABI info
Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++
Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
CMake Error: File /resources.xml.in does not exist.
CMake Error at InstallResources.cmake:100 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:13 (include)
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower
if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more
information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
17-01-2010 09:29:06
18-01-2010 02:54:31
CMake Error: The source "/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/MyGUI/CMakeLists.txt" does not match the source "/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/MyGUI/CMake/CMakeLists.txt" used to generate cache. Re-run cmake with a different source directory.
18-01-2010 06:31:10
18-01-2010 06:58:06
The C compiler identification is GNU
The CXX compiler identification is GNU
Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
Detecting C compiler ABI info
Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++
Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
Configuring MYGUI 3.0.0
Performing Test MYGUI_GCC_VISIBILITY - Success
Detected g++ 4.0.1
Enabling GCC visibility flags
Check if the system is big endian
Searching 16 bit integer
Looking for sys/types.h
Looking for sys/types.h - found
Looking for stdint.h
Looking for stdint.h - found
Looking for stddef.h
Looking for stddef.h - found
Check size of unsigned short
Check size of unsigned short - done
Using unsigned short
Check if the system is big endian - little endian
Looking for FREETYPE...
Found FREETYPE: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib
checking for one of the modules 'OGRE'
Looking for OIS...
Could not locate OIS
Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
Looking for Carbon...
Found Carbon: -framework Carbon
Looking for Cocoa...
Found Cocoa: -framework Cocoa
Looking for IOKit...
Found IOKit: -framework IOKit
CMake Error at CMake/Utils/MacroLogFeature.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Please install them before continuing this software installation.
-- If you are in Windows, try passing -DMYGUI_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=<path to
-- Also check that you buildind with RenderSystem that you need or set
another with -DMYGUI_RENDERSYSTEM=<1 2 or 3 for Direct3D_9 OGRE or OpenGL>
+ ogre: Support for the Ogre render system <>
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMake/Dependencies.cmake:102 (MACRO_DISPLAY_FEATURE_LOG)
CMakeLists.txt:149 (include)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
18-01-2010 17:18:13
19-01-2010 08:32:27
19-01-2010 12:46:10
20-01-2010 04:55:35
20-01-2010 17:16:25
cmake ../ -DOGRE_DIR="E:\Ger\Programming\Ogre"
(this is my path to OGRE's trunk for example, should be replaced with yours)
04-02-2010 01:07:41
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring MYGUI 3.0.0
-- Performing Test MYGUI_GCC_VISIBILITY - Success
-- Detected g++ 4.0.1
-- Enabling GCC visibility flags
-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Searching 16 bit integer
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of unsigned short
-- Check size of unsigned short - done
-- Using unsigned short
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian
-- Looking for FREETYPE...
-- Found FREETYPE: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib
-- Using OGRE built from source (from specified path)
-- Looking for OIS...
-- OIS_PREFIX_PATH changed.
-- Could not locate OIS
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Looking for Carbon...
-- Found Carbon: -framework Carbon
-- Looking for Cocoa...
-- Found Cocoa: -framework Cocoa
-- Looking for IOKit...
-- Found IOKit: -framework IOKit
CMake Error at CMake/Utils/MacroLogFeature.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Please install them before continuing this software installation.
-- If you are in Windows, try passing -DMYGUI_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=<path to
-- Also check that you buildind with RenderSystem that you need or set
another with -DMYGUI_RENDERSYSTEM=<1 2 or 3 for Direct3D_9 OGRE or OpenGL>
+ ogre: Support for the Ogre render system <>
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMake/Dependencies.cmake:102 (MACRO_DISPLAY_FEATURE_LOG)
CMakeLists.txt:149 (include)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
10-02-2010 13:37:40
10-02-2010 14:59:28
cmake -DOGRE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/OGRE -DOGRE_LIBRARIES="debug;OgreMain_d;optimized;OgreMain" -DOGRE_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/OGRE
where "/usr/include/OGRE" and "/usr/lib/OGRE" replaced with your paths.
12-02-2010 05:41:49
jeff-wielands-mac-mini:mygui jeffwieland$ cmake -DOGRE_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/Ogre/trunk/OgreMain/include -DOGRE_LIBRARIES="debug;libOgreMainStatic_d;optimized;libOgreMainStatic" -DOGRE_LIB_DIR=/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/Ogre/trunk/build/lib/
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring MYGUI 3.0.0
-- Performing Test MYGUI_GCC_VISIBILITY - Success
-- Detected g++ 4.0.1
-- Enabling GCC visibility flags
-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Searching 16 bit integer
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of unsigned short
-- Check size of unsigned short - done
-- Using unsigned short
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian
-- Looking for FREETYPE...
-- Found FREETYPE: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib
-- checking for one of the modules 'OGRE'
-- Looking for OIS...
-- OIS_PREFIX_PATH changed.
-- Could not locate OIS
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Looking for Carbon...
-- Found Carbon: -framework Carbon
-- Looking for Cocoa...
-- Found Cocoa: -framework Cocoa
-- Looking for IOKit...
-- Found IOKit: -framework IOKit
-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.
+ freetype
+ ogre
+ Carbon
+ Cocoa
+ IOKit
-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
+ OIS: Input library needed for the samples <http://sourceforge.net/projects/wgois>
+ Doxygen: Tool for building API documentation <http://doxygen.org>
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI
12-02-2010 06:40:32
12-02-2010 07:18:39
# include <CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h>
12-02-2010 08:26:08
//For apple, we always have a custom config.h file
# include "config.h"
12-02-2010 08:33:59
12-02-2010 10:00:59
dyld: Symbol not found: _CFXMLNodeGetInfoPtr
Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
Expected in: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator3.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
12-02-2010 11:26:14
12-02-2010 16:04:13
jeff-wielands-mac-mini:mygui jeffwieland$ cmake -DOGRE_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/Ogre/trunk/OgreMain/include -DOGRE_LIBRARIES="debug;libOgreMainStatic_d;optimized;libOgreMainStatic" -DOGRE_LIB_DIR=/Users/jeffwieland/SDKs/Ogre/trunk/build/lib/ -DMYGUI_STATIC=TRUE -G Xcode
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring MYGUI 3.0.1
-- Performing Test MYGUI_GCC_VISIBILITY - Success
-- Detected g++ 4.0.1
-- Enabling GCC visibility flags
-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Searching 16 bit integer
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of unsigned short
-- Check size of unsigned short - done
-- Using unsigned short
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian
-- Looking for FREETYPE...
-- Found FREETYPE: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib
-- Looking for OGRE...
-- Could not locate OGRE
-- Looking for OIS...
-- OIS_PREFIX_PATH changed.
-- Could not locate OIS
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Looking for Carbon...
-- Found Carbon: -framework Carbon
-- Looking for Cocoa...
-- Found Cocoa: -framework Cocoa
-- Looking for IOKit...
-- Found IOKit: -framework IOKit
CMake Error at CMake/Utils/MacroLogFeature.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Please install them before continuing this software installation.
-- If you are in Windows, try passing -DMYGUI_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=<path to
-- Also check that you buildind with RenderSystem that you need or set
another with -DMYGUI_RENDERSYSTEM=<1 2 or 3 for Direct3D_9 OGRE or OpenGL>
+ ogre: Support for the Ogre render system <>
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMake/Dependencies.cmake:102 (MACRO_DISPLAY_FEATURE_LOG)
CMakeLists.txt:161 (include)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
14-02-2010 08:12:05
15-02-2010 21:05:14
//! Handle to the loaded library.
16-02-2010 15:13:17
// GUI test
MyGUI::Gui * mGUI;
MyGUI::OgrePlatform* mPlatform = new MyGUI::OgrePlatform();
mPlatform->initialise(window, sceneMgr);
// Never get this far...
[Session started at 2010-02-16 08:26:47 -0700.]
2010-02-16 08:26:50.006 SimEngine[11772:3c07] ### Sim thread started
Creating resource group General
Creating resource group Internal
Creating resource group Autodetect
SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Material
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
FreeImage version: 3.12.0
This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm
DDS codec registering
Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
*-*-* OGRE Initialising
*-*-* Version 1.7.0dev-unstable (Cthugha)
###### Graphics::init()... ######
Installing plugin: OpenGL ES 1.x RenderSystem
OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem created.
Plugin successfully installed
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
GLESRenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "OGRE Render Window", 480x320 fullscreen miscParams: FSAA=0 displayFrequency=0 Hz orientation=Landscape Left
GL_VENDOR = Apple Computer, Inc.
GL_RENDERER = Apple Software Renderer
GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot
EXT: GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture
EXT: GL_OES_draw_texture
EXT: GL_OES_mapbuffer
EXT: GL_OES_matrix_palette
EXT: GL_OES_point_size_array
EXT: GL_OES_read_format
EXT: GL_OES_stencil8
EXT: GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat
EXT: GL_OES_point_sprite
EXT: GL_OES_framebuffer_object
EXT: GL_OES_blend_subtract
EXT: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
EXT: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
EXT: GL_OES_depth24
EXT: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
EXT: GL_IMG_read_format
EXT: GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
EXT: GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888
EXT: GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot
*** OpenGL ES 1.x Renderer Started ***
Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
GL ES: Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)
FBO PF_UNKNOWN depth/stencil support:
FBO PF_R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_A8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
[GL] : Valid FBO targets PF_UNKNOWN PF_R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8 PF_A8R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8A8 PF_X8R8G8B8 PF_X8B8G8R8
RenderSystem capabilities
RenderSystem Name: OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem
GPU Vendor: apple
Device Name: Apple Software Renderer
Driver Version:
* Fixed function pipeline: yes
* Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
* Texture blending: yes
* Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
* Dot product texture operation: yes
* Cube mapping: no
* Hardware stencil buffer: no
* Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
* Vertex programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 0
* Fragment programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 0
* Geometry programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0
* Supported Shader Profiles:
* Texture Compression: yes
- DXT: no
- VTC: no
- PVRTC: yes
* Scissor Rectangle: yes
* Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
* User clip planes: yes
* VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
* Infinite far plane projection: yes
* Hardware render-to-texture: yes
* Floating point textures: no
* Non-power-of-two textures: no
* Volume textures: no
* Multiple Render Targets: 1
- With different bit depths: no
* Point Sprites: yes
* Extended point parameters: yes
* Max Point Size: 511
* Vertex texture fetch: no
* Number of world matrices: 0
* Number of texture units: 8
* Stencil buffer depth: 0
* Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
* Render to Vertex Buffer : no
* GL 1.5 without VBO workaround: no
* Frame Buffer objects: yes
* Frame Buffer objects (ARB extension): no
* Frame Buffer objects (ATI extension): no
* PBuffer support: no
* GL 1.5 without HW-occlusion workaround: no
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
Creating resource group Default
Creating resource group _Shared
Added resource location '/Users/jeffwieland/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/8D3EEF48-2C08-4BD5-A0B8-32AF4FE2CB2A/SimEngine.app/Scripts/_Shared/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group '_Shared'
Initialising resource group _Shared
Parsing scripts for resource group _Shared
Parsing script matBase.material
Parsing script matCube.material
Parsing script matPlane.material
Parsing script matSphere.material
Finished parsing scripts for resource group _Shared
###### Graphics::init() complete ######
Mesh: Loading Cube.mesh.
WARNING: Cube.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool.
Texture: Tile.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 8 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
* Initialise: OgreRenderManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 27
OgreRenderManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 55
* Initialise: OgreDataManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 46
OgreDataManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 50
instance LayerManager was not created | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 40
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'MyGUI::Exception'
what(): MyGUI EXCEPTION : instance LayerManager was not created
in MyGUI at /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp (line 40)
Stack dump:
0. Running pass 'Live Variable Analysis' on function '@gldLLVMVecPolyRender5'
[Session started at 2010-02-16 08:26:50 -0700.]
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-966) (Tue Mar 10 02:43:13 UTC 2009)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-apple-darwin".sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Attaching to process 11772.
[Switching to process 11772 thread 0x3c07]
[Switching to process 11772 thread 0x3c07]
The Debugger has exited with status 0.(gdb)
16-02-2010 19:28:52
16-02-2010 20:18:06
16-02-2010 20:49:37
if (Gui::getInstancePtr() == nullptr) return;
Not sure that this will help, but anyway it will go farther.
16-02-2010 23:25:33
The point is that in your application OgreRenderManager::renderQueueStarted (that is part of MyGUI.OgrePlatform) called after mPlatform->initialise(window, sceneMgr); but before you create and initialise GUI.
17-02-2010 00:04:49
17-02-2010 02:48:52
// GUI test
MyGUI::OgrePlatform* mPlatform = new MyGUI::OgrePlatform();
mPlatform->initialise(window, sceneMgr);
MyGUI::Gui* mGUI = new MyGUI::Gui();
MyGUI::ButtonPtr button = mGUI->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>("Button", 10, 10, 30, 30, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Main");
17-02-2010 08:35:12
17-02-2010 14:28:22
[Session started at 2010-02-17 07:47:12 -0700.]
2010-02-17 07:47:14.976 SimEngine[12638:3c07] ### Sim thread started
Creating resource group General
Creating resource group Internal
Creating resource group Autodetect
SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Material
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
FreeImage version: 3.12.0
This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm
DDS codec registering
Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
*-*-* OGRE Initialising
*-*-* Version 1.7.0dev-unstable (Cthugha)
###### Graphics::init()... ######
Installing plugin: OpenGL ES 1.x RenderSystem
OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem created.
Plugin successfully installed
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
GLESRenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "OGRE Render Window", 480x320 fullscreen miscParams: FSAA=0 displayFrequency=0 Hz orientation=Landscape Left
GL_VENDOR = Apple Computer, Inc.
GL_RENDERER = Apple Software Renderer
GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot
EXT: GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture
EXT: GL_OES_draw_texture
EXT: GL_OES_mapbuffer
EXT: GL_OES_matrix_palette
EXT: GL_OES_point_size_array
EXT: GL_OES_read_format
EXT: GL_OES_stencil8
EXT: GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat
EXT: GL_OES_point_sprite
EXT: GL_OES_framebuffer_object
EXT: GL_OES_blend_subtract
EXT: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
EXT: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
EXT: GL_OES_depth24
EXT: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
EXT: GL_IMG_read_format
EXT: GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
EXT: GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888
EXT: GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot
*** OpenGL ES 1.x Renderer Started ***
Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
GL ES: Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)
FBO PF_UNKNOWN depth/stencil support:
FBO PF_R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_A8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
[GL] : Valid FBO targets PF_UNKNOWN PF_R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8 PF_A8R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8A8 PF_X8R8G8B8 PF_X8B8G8R8
RenderSystem capabilities
RenderSystem Name: OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem
GPU Vendor: apple
Device Name: Apple Software Renderer
Driver Version:
* Fixed function pipeline: yes
* Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
* Texture blending: yes
* Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
* Dot product texture operation: yes
* Cube mapping: no
* Hardware stencil buffer: no
* Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
* Vertex programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 0
* Fragment programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 0
* Geometry programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0
* Supported Shader Profiles:
* Texture Compression: yes
- DXT: no
- VTC: no
- PVRTC: yes
* Scissor Rectangle: yes
* Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
* User clip planes: yes
* VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
* Infinite far plane projection: yes
* Hardware render-to-texture: yes
* Floating point textures: no
* Non-power-of-two textures: no
* Volume textures: no
* Multiple Render Targets: 1
- With different bit depths: no
* Point Sprites: yes
* Extended point parameters: yes
* Max Point Size: 511
* Vertex texture fetch: no
* Number of world matrices: 0
* Number of texture units: 8
* Stencil buffer depth: 0
* Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
* Render to Vertex Buffer : no
* GL 1.5 without VBO workaround: no
* Frame Buffer objects: yes
* Frame Buffer objects (ARB extension): no
* Frame Buffer objects (ATI extension): no
* PBuffer support: no
* GL 1.5 without HW-occlusion workaround: no
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
Creating resource group Default
Creating resource group _Shared
Added resource location '/Users/jeffwieland/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/41DE6884-5C3F-42B8-ACAD-D5D28154C749/SimEngine.app/Scripts/_Shared/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group '_Shared'
Initialising resource group _Shared
Parsing scripts for resource group _Shared
Parsing script matBase.material
Parsing script matCube.material
Parsing script matPlane.material
Parsing script matSphere.material
Finished parsing scripts for resource group _Shared
###### Graphics::init() complete ######
Mesh: Loading Cube.mesh.
WARNING: Cube.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.40]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool.
Texture: Tile.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 8 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
* Initialise: OgreRenderManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 27
OgreRenderManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 55
* Initialise: OgreDataManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 46
OgreDataManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/Platforms/Ogre/OgrePlatform/src/MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 50
* Initialise: Gui | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 82
* MyGUI version 3.0.0 | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 86
* Initialise: ResourceManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 43
ResourceManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 51
* Initialise: LayerManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 45
LayerManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 53
* Initialise: WidgetManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_WidgetManager.cpp | 66
WidgetManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_WidgetManager.cpp | 105
* Initialise: InputManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_InputManager.cpp | 42
InputManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_InputManager.cpp | 59
* Initialise: SubWidgetManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_SubWidgetManager.cpp | 44
SubWidgetManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_SubWidgetManager.cpp | 64
* Initialise: SkinManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_SkinManager.cpp | 46
SkinManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_SkinManager.cpp | 54
* Initialise: FontManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_FontManager.cpp | 44
FontManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_FontManager.cpp | 53
* Initialise: ControllerManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ControllerManager.cpp | 42
ControllerManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ControllerManager.cpp | 52
* Initialise: PointerManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_PointerManager.cpp | 51
PointerManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_PointerManager.cpp | 69
* Initialise: ClipboardManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ClipboardManager.cpp | 82
ClipboardManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ClipboardManager.cpp | 96
* Initialise: LayoutManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayoutManager.cpp | 43
LayoutManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayoutManager.cpp | 49
* Initialise: DynLibManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_DynLibManager.cpp | 35
DynLibManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_DynLibManager.cpp | 37
* Initialise: PluginManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_PluginManager.cpp | 37
PluginManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_PluginManager.cpp | 41
* Initialise: LanguageManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LanguageManager.cpp | 40
LanguageManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LanguageManager.cpp | 44
* Initialise: FactoryManager | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_FactoryManager.cpp | 34
FactoryManager successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_FactoryManager.cpp | 37
ResourceManager : 'core.xml', not found | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 175
Gui successfully initialized | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 129
Layer 'Main' is not found | /Users/jeffwieland/sdks/MyGUI/MyGUIEngine/src/MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 155
Creating resource group Yin
Added resource location '/Users/jeffwieland/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/41DE6884-5C3F-42B8-ACAD-D5D28154C749/SimEngine.app/Scripts/Yin' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Yin'
Initialising resource group Yin
Parsing scripts for resource group Yin
Parsing script matYin.material
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Yin
Texture: Empty.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,32x32x1) with 5 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
17-02-2010 14:48:53
ResourceManager : 'core.xml', not found
That's your problem. MyGUI resources wasn't found. You should add MyGUI_Media to your Media and to resources.cfg.ZealAddon
17-02-2010 15:32:19
resGroupMgr->addResourceLocation("Dependencies/MyGUI_Media/", "FileSystem", "_MyGUI");
17-02-2010 16:25:41
09:40:30 | Platform | Info | * Initialise: OgreRenderManager | ..\..\..\..\Platforms\Ogre\OgrePlatform\src\MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 27
09:40:30 | Platform | Info | OgreRenderManager successfully initialized | ..\..\..\..\Platforms\Ogre\OgrePlatform\src\MyGUI_OgreRenderManager.cpp | 55
09:40:30 | Platform | Info | * Initialise: OgreDataManager | ..\..\..\..\Platforms\Ogre\OgrePlatform\src\MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 46
09:40:31 | Platform | Info | OgreDataManager successfully initialized | ..\..\..\..\Platforms\Ogre\OgrePlatform\src\MyGUI_OgreDataManager.cpp | 50
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: Gui | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 82
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * MyGUI version 3.0.0 | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 86
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: ResourceManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 43
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ResourceManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 51
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: LayerManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 45
09:40:31 | Core | Info | LayerManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LayerManager.cpp | 53
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: WidgetManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_WidgetManager.cpp | 66
09:40:31 | Core | Info | WidgetManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_WidgetManager.cpp | 105
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: InputManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_InputManager.cpp | 42
09:40:31 | Core | Info | InputManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_InputManager.cpp | 59
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: SubWidgetManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_SubWidgetManager.cpp | 44
09:40:31 | Core | Info | SubWidgetManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_SubWidgetManager.cpp | 64
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: SkinManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_SkinManager.cpp | 46
09:40:31 | Core | Info | SkinManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_SkinManager.cpp | 54
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: FontManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_FontManager.cpp | 44
09:40:31 | Core | Info | FontManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_FontManager.cpp | 53
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: ControllerManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ControllerManager.cpp | 42
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ControllerManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ControllerManager.cpp | 52
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: PointerManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_PointerManager.cpp | 51
09:40:31 | Core | Info | PointerManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_PointerManager.cpp | 69
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: ClipboardManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ClipboardManager.cpp | 82
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ClipboardManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ClipboardManager.cpp | 96
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: LayoutManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LayoutManager.cpp | 43
09:40:31 | Core | Info | LayoutManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LayoutManager.cpp | 49
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: DynLibManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_DynLibManager.cpp | 35
09:40:31 | Core | Info | DynLibManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_DynLibManager.cpp | 37
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: PluginManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_PluginManager.cpp | 37
09:40:31 | Core | Info | PluginManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_PluginManager.cpp | 41
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: LanguageManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LanguageManager.cpp | 40
09:40:31 | Core | Info | LanguageManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_LanguageManager.cpp | 44
09:40:31 | Core | Info | * Initialise: FactoryManager | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_FactoryManager.cpp | 34
09:40:31 | Core | Info | FactoryManager successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_FactoryManager.cpp | 37
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_theme.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_language.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_font.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ResourceTrueTypeFont 'font_DejaVuSans.17' using texture size 512 x 256 | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceTrueTypeFont.cpp | 183
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ResourceTrueTypeFont 'font_DejaVuSans.17' using real height 17 pixels | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceTrueTypeFont.cpp | 184
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ResourceTrueTypeFont 'font_DejaVuSans.14' using texture size 256 x 256 | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceTrueTypeFont.cpp | 183
09:40:31 | Core | Info | ResourceTrueTypeFont 'font_DejaVuSans.14' using real height 14 pixels | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceTrueTypeFont.cpp | 184
09:40:31 | Core | Error | Texture 'core_micro_font.PNG' not found | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_TextureUtility.cpp | 55
09:40:31 | Platform | Error | Texture 'core_micro_font.PNG' not found, set default texture | ..\..\..\..\Platforms\Ogre\OgrePlatform\src\MyGUI_OgreTexture.cpp | 241
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_resource.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_skin.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'HCenter' = 0 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 181
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'VCenter' = 0 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 182
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Center' = 0 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 183
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Left' = 2 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 184
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Right' = 4 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 185
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'HStretch' = 6 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 186
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Top' = 8 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 187
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Bottom' = 16 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 188
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'VStretch' = 24 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 189
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Stretch' = 30 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 190
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Default' = 10 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 191
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'HRelative' = 32 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 192
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'VRelative' = 64 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 193
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Register value : 'Relative' = 96 | c:\sdks\mygui\myguiengine\include\MyGUI_Align.h | 194
09:40:31 | Core | Error | Texture 'core.png' not found | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_TextureUtility.cpp | 55
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_pointer.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_layer.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Load ini file 'core_settings.xml' | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_ResourceManager.cpp | 152
09:40:31 | Core | Error | Texture 'core_pointer.png' not found | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_TextureUtility.cpp | 55
09:40:31 | Core | Info | Gui successfully initialized | ..\..\MyGUIEngine\src\MyGUI_Gui.cpp | 129
17-02-2010 17:09:34
mPlatform->initialise(window, sceneMgr, "_MyGUI");
17-02-2010 17:45:58
17-02-2010 21:58:13
17-02-2010 22:34:36
I'm planning to install MacOS
17-02-2010 22:37:46