31-01-2010 15:40:35
Im trying to get my custom window skin working but I have trouble to understand the XML description.
First of all, is the Skin element outdated? in my media files it's structured like this:
Second Im confused about the notions in the XML files. Can you ellaborate the descriptions a little more than you do on the wiki!?
width height (size in texture in pixels) ?? Do you mean width/height Of texture-file?
Is the offset depended on alignment? If I set align="Right Bottom" and offset="2 5 4 4" it means 2px from Right edge and 5px from bottom edge? Am I correct? If not, can you give a description of what align is?
Im trying to get my custom window skin working but I have trouble to understand the XML description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Skin">
<Skin name = "Skin_name" size = "width height (size in texture in pixels)" material = "your_material_name" >
<Child type="any_widget_type" skin="any_skin" offset = "left top width height (offset in widget in pixels)" align = "child_skin_alignment [another_alignment]" name = "element_name">
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset = "left top width height (offset in widget in pixels)" align = "skin_element_alignment [another_alignment]">
<State name="state_name" offset = "left top width height (texture offset in pixels)"/>
[you can have many states]
<BasisSkin type="TextSimple" offset = "left top width height (offset in widget in pixels)" align = "child_skin_alignment [another_alignment]">
<State name="state_name" colour="colour"/>
First of all, is the Skin element outdated? in my media files it's structured like this:
<MyGUI type="Resource" version="1.1">
<Resource type="ResourceSkin" name = "myskin" size = "76 78" texture = "skin.png">
Second Im confused about the notions in the XML files. Can you ellaborate the descriptions a little more than you do on the wiki!?
<Skin name = "Skin_name" size = "width height (size in texture in pixels)" material = "your_material_name" >
width height (size in texture in pixels) ?? Do you mean width/height Of texture-file?
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset = "left top width height (offset in widget in pixels)" align = "skin_element_alignment [another_alignment]">
Is the offset depended on alignment? If I set align="Right Bottom" and offset="2 5 4 4" it means 2px from Right edge and 5px from bottom edge? Am I correct? If not, can you give a description of what align is?