07-07-2010 22:51:08
Hi. I'm wandering if there is any way to block window from moving/resizing? I tried disabling window but then of course child widgets don't work.
07-07-2010 22:59:31
Well, actually the only point of having Window widget is to move or resize it

Here's few ways to handle that.
1) Use WindowC skin instead of WindowCS or WindowCSX. (S means size, for resizable skins).
2) Change WindowC skin. Remove
<Property key="Scale" value = "1 1 0 0"/>
from Caption subwidget.
Another way to do that is to make skin that looks same as Window skin and use it for MyGUI::Widget
08-07-2010 09:13:22
Thank You for help Altren. One more question. Is it possible to keep font size independent from render window? I want my fonts look the same at every resolution. I know I can change font size each time I change resolution but is there any other way? For example:
Left is 800x600 right 1280x1024. I want them look the same, how can I handle that?