18-08-2010 15:59:41
Hello everyone I am using the Managed MyGUI from thr mogre managers binaries which work with latest mogre 1.7.1 beta 72.
I am using up to 3-4 render windows in my simulation project and noticed that MyGUI works as a singleton. This kinda puts me in jeopardy.
Is It possible for MyGUI to work on multiple render windows and viewports.
Thank you
20-12-2010 10:02:32
I am sorry I am resurrecting this old post but I definitely need an answer as the decision to give up on the MyGUI depends on this. Currently we use TopMost = true windows forms but it sucks really bad and I need to render a GUI in Mogre in more than one RenderWindow. We work with at least 3 RenderWindows in three different screens and only one of them shows GUI but I need to see different GUI's in different screens. Any Idea if this is possible in MyGUI and Mogre.
20-12-2010 12:24:28
for this is not possible to make 4 scenemgr and moltiply mGUI on every scenemgr?
the 4 screen are co-related?
20-12-2010 12:55:09
Unfortunately no. Four screen/Renderwindows look into one scene as this is a simulation software intended to create a 120-180 degrees of view and shooter should be able to hit targets and see the results on the screens.
20-12-2010 13:08:12
you can make 4 ogre camera set as different degree and set everyone with a different layout
20-12-2010 14:30:32
MyGUI works with only one scene manager, but it can render it's layers into texture. So you need to do next thing: split your GUI into several RTT layers (one per screen) and render resulting texture on each. If you also need cursor then you should manage it manually, draw widget representing cursor and inject mouse move/pressed/released events with values calculated manually (it's easy to do though).
20-12-2010 15:02:52
Thank you I think I understand what you mean. I am not sure how to render MyGUI to texture but I will check around and try to solve it. But from what I understand I am going to create a rectangle with the RTT as the texture spanning whole screen for each screen than render the GUI for that screen to the texture which automatically put it on screen. I dont use the mouse pointer so there is no problem about that and one more thing I will be able to get the button pressed hmm injections right?
17-01-2012 10:47:27
MyGUI works with only one scene manager, but it can render it's layers into texture. So you need to do next thing: split your GUI into several RTT layers (one per screen) and render resulting texture on each. If you also need cursor then you should manage it manually, draw widget representing cursor and inject mouse move/pressed/released events with values calculated manually (it's easy to do though).
Sorry to dig up an old thread - are there any examples of this being done, or has anyone got any sample code?
In an old project using older MyGUI, we set each widget's custom data as the RenderWindow pointer, and then toggled every widget's visibility whena RenderWindow got rendered... ugh!
This approach sounds much nicer but are there any plans to ever offer full support for multiple windows?