30-08-2010 16:29:15
Hello everybody, i'm Chinese, please excuse my English
how can i set a font size with pixel and no anti-aliasing?
like this webpage's font (12px or 14px)
and this is my core_font.xml
how can i set a font size with pixel and no anti-aliasing?
like this webpage's font (12px or 14px)
and this is my core_font.xml
<Resource type="ResourceTrueTypeFont" name="Default">
<Property key="Source" value="simsun.ttc"/>
<Property key="Size" value="12"/>
<Property key="Resolution" value="40"/>
<Property key="Antialias" value="false"/>
<Property key="SpaceWidth" value="0"/>
<Property key="TabWidth" value="0"/>
<Property key="CursorWidth" value="0"/>
<Property key="Distance" value="0"/>
<Property key="OffsetHeight" value="0"/>
<Code range="33 126"/>
<Code range="19968 39999"/>
<Code hide="128"/>
<Code hide="1026 1039"/>
<Code hide="1104"/>