16-11-2010 02:44:57
Hello. I am trying to build mygui in cmake. I have fallowed all instructions many times over but i keep on getting this error.
Please help i do not know what else to do .
Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10
Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 10 -- works
Detecting C compiler ABI info
Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 10
Check for working CXX compiler using: Visual Studio 10 -- works
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
Configuring MYGUI 3.0.1
Check if the system is big endian
Searching 16 bit integer
Looking for sys/types.h
Looking for sys/types.h - found
Looking for stdint.h
Looking for stdint.h - found
Looking for stddef.h
Looking for stddef.h - found
Check size of unsigned short
Check size of unsigned short - done
Using unsigned short
Check if the system is big endian - little endian
Looking for FREETYPE...
Could not locate FREETYPE
Looking for OGRE...
Found Ogre Cthugha (1.7.2)
Found OGRE: optimized;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/release/OgreMain.lib;debug;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/debug/OgreMain_d.lib
Looking for OGRE_Paging...
Found OGRE_Paging: optimized;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/release/OgrePaging.lib;debug;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/debug/OgrePaging_d.lib
Looking for OGRE_Terrain...
Found OGRE_Terrain: optimized;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/release/OgreTerrain.lib;debug;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/debug/OgreTerrain_d.lib
Looking for OGRE_Property...
Found OGRE_Property: optimized;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/release/OgreProperty.lib;debug;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/debug/OgreProperty_d.lib
Looking for OGRE_RTShaderSystem...
Found OGRE_RTShaderSystem: optimized;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/release/OgreRTShaderSystem.lib;debug;C:/OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2/lib/debug/OgreRTShaderSystem_d.lib
Looking for OIS...
Could not locate OIS
Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
CMake Error at CMake/Utils/MacroLogFeature.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Please install them before continuing this software installation.
-- If you are in Windows, try passing -DMYGUI_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=<path to
-- Also check that you buildind with RenderSystem that you need or set
another with -DMYGUI_RENDERSYSTEM=<1 2 or 3 for Direct3D_9 OGRE or OpenGL>
+ freetype: Portable font engine <>
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMake/Dependencies.cmake:102 (MACRO_DISPLAY_FEATURE_LOG)
CMakeLists.txt:161 (include)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Please help i do not know what else to do .