19-02-2011 23:35:06
Hello World !
First i'm a young french so i dont speak english very well .
I created an application using mygui but there is a problem, the mouse wont go out of my window and i dont found any solution in the mygui API . It worked before when i only used OIS, i used those lines for mouving my mouse all over my screen :
I use GNU/Linux but if the solution can be portable (on window), i dont refuse .
So how fix my problem ?
First i'm a young french so i dont speak english very well .
I created an application using mygui but there is a problem, the mouse wont go out of my window and i dont found any solution in the mygui API . It worked before when i only used OIS, i used those lines for mouving my mouse all over my screen :
pl.insert(std::make_pair("x11_mouse_grab", std::string("false")));
pl.insert(std::make_pair("x11_keyboard_grab", std::string("false")));
I use GNU/Linux but if the solution can be portable (on window), i dont refuse .
So how fix my problem ?