05-09-2011 08:26:42
07-09-2011 16:33:43
thanks for your kind attention
07-09-2011 17:35:26
What does "page crashes" mean in terms of web browsers?
This question is more to wiki developers or site admins rather than to MyGUI developers/users.
This page works for me, try using different web browser.
09-09-2011 15:56:39
What does "page crashes" mean in terms of web browsers?
This question is more to wiki developers or site admins rather than to MyGUI developers/users.
This page works for me, try using different web browser.
The page doesn't actually "crash" as an application would, but rather gets stuck and makes the tab unresponsive (in chrome), I tried using Firefox 6.0 and it worked, so I guess it's a chrome-specific problem, and it happens only on the quickstart page as far as I'm aware of.
15-02-2012 03:37:52
That page freezes for me as well in both chrome dev 17.0.963.46 and ie 9. The problem is some kind of runaway javascript that causes 100% cpu utilization so disabling it fixes it. The problem is specific to that page so I would guess some minor bug that crept up. Since this affects both IE and chrome (I don't think it affect firefox), I'd imagine it should be reported to whoever maintains the wiki code or that wiki page should be refactored in a way to avoid the problem since most pages don't experience it.
New people who trying to look through the wiki for guidance only to have all their tabs from the site freeze on them (sometimes i wish chrome process was more page based rather then domain based) isn't exactly great... (from first hand experience) : (
15-02-2012 22:05:40
Please do with this page somthing... all other page are works great. I have browser chrome 17.0.963.56.