09-10-2011 22:04:52
Like topic says, I grab some 3.2 version from svn few days ago, compiled and linked in static way with my project.
Then I hook'ed Directx9 EndScene and get MyGui to work, till that everything fine, my button shows up.
When I re-size game window game creates new DirectX9 device and uses it from that time, but MyGUI still has old one, and nothing shows up.
I tryied something like this:
- Destroy platform when that and create new one with new device pointer = "General protection fault in UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock <- UViewport::Unlock <- UWindowsViewport::Unlock ..."
- Destroy also gui and create new one = same as above
- Try switch device on fly (call deviceLost, replace directx device pointer in textures and call deviceRestore) = black screen
Any idea how to get this working ?
Then I hook'ed Directx9 EndScene and get MyGui to work, till that everything fine, my button shows up.
When I re-size game window game creates new DirectX9 device and uses it from that time, but MyGUI still has old one, and nothing shows up.
I tryied something like this:
- Destroy platform when that and create new one with new device pointer = "General protection fault in UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock <- UViewport::Unlock <- UWindowsViewport::Unlock ..."
- Destroy also gui and create new one = same as above
- Try switch device on fly (call deviceLost, replace directx device pointer in textures and call deviceRestore) = black screen
Any idea how to get this working ?