24-10-2011 12:21:13
Does renderbox (Ogre + OpenGLES) work on iPhone? I'd like renderer a scenenode to a GUIWidget, just want to know whether possible?
24-10-2011 12:35:31
MyGUI's RenderBox use RTT texture made by Ogre, so if RTT work with Ogre + OpenGLES then RenderBox work as well.
24-10-2011 14:32:54
Thanks, I see. It should work! although i still do not make it work
26-10-2011 02:59:38
Seems RTT not work well on iPhone, is there any other way to make Ogre SceneNode and MyGUI Widget work together? May direct draw MyGUI Widget like Ogre ManualObject?
Thanks for you help.
26-10-2011 09:22:36
Could you explain what exactly you need as result? Draw sketch or something.
27-10-2011 01:43:31
Could you explain what exactly you need as result? Draw sketch or something.
I want to draw my all objects(Ogre ManualObject) which attached to a scenenode to Canvas.
27-10-2011 02:13:37
Since Android GLES1.1 seems not support FrameBuffer Object anyway. Is there any other way to draw Ogre ManualObject(Mesh) to Canvas without RTT support?
Thanks for your help
27-10-2011 12:20:00
Are you sure, that you need Canvas in first place? If this is something inside GUI above 3d scene that might be ok, but if you need to draw that inside GUI without anything behind it you can do it next way: draw hole in GUI and render it above common 3d scene.
27-10-2011 14:02:54
27-10-2011 14:53:40
Yeah, for minimap you need RTT or something similar in most cases. Also keep in mind, that not necessarily use Canvas - you can use different approach and use common RTT from Ogre demos, and then just use texture name inside MyGUI ImageBox.
27-10-2011 15:59:23
Yeah, for minimap you need RTT or something similar in most cases. Also keep in mind, that not necessarily use Canvas - you can use different approach and use common RTT from Ogre demos, and then just use texture name inside MyGUI ImageBox.
Hi, Altren
Why should i avoid canvas usage? performance reason? I like the canvas + OgreRenderbox widget, I can create any manualobjects and attach them to a scenenode and back to draw on it.
27-10-2011 16:33:00
Just saying in case you didn't knew it. Sometimes it's more convenient to not use RTT, but in your case I guess it's easier.