17-07-2012 18:17:02
Hello everyone,
MyGUI version: 3.2.0
Ogre: 1.7.4
I have a working Ogre project that I have been working on(just a modded TutorialApplication.cpp and .h build off the BasicApplication.cpp and .h files)
The program works, and I decided to add MyGUI to it as...well a GUI, I went through the quickstart here: ... quickstart
and got it to compile, but when it runs, there is no button.
I read the "Read this First" and don't know where to find the MyGUI log file.
17-07-2012 19:46:59
hi ,
Maybe you forgot to add the MyGUi media folder s path to the resource.cfg file?
same happened to me and then i realized i forgot about that small detail

Kind regards,
Romulo Romero
18-07-2012 00:47:44
Thanks Blender2Ogre, I now have the text on my screen, there is no background image on the button though(not sure if it is supposed to have a default, I guess not though).
One other thing, do you know if a cursor is supposed to be active by default? or if I have to make one happen?
Marking as solved.
18-07-2012 03:08:37
Np Ice its not active by default...
this should make it work :
bool ProperOgreApp::mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent& arg)
MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove(arg.state.X.abs, arg.state.Y.abs, arg.state.Z.abs);
return true;
i hope this helps..also check out in the ogre wiki tutorials that shows how CEGUI works which is similar to Mygui and then u'll see why the mouse doesnt move by default..(sorry Mygui moderators i had to mention CEGUI in order to make him understand how it works..i now prefer Mygui anyways

Kind regards,
Romulo Romero
18-07-2012 13:26:48
ok, great, thanks again Blender2Ogre
18-07-2012 14:24:58
I looked at my code, and it already had that line in it. I'm not seeing a mouse pointer though, my pointer does work though(I was able to click the button through random clicking).
So I was just wondering if I need to apply a skin, or if something isn't functioning correctly, also I'm not getting any background on my button.
Sorry if I've drug this thread out a bit too long.
18-07-2012 16:02:32
I figured it out, I had my MyGUI resources(in resources.cfg) being added to a MyGUI group, the resources need to be added under the General group, or atleast for my configuration.
Thanks for the views and thoughts though.