22-07-2012 08:44:11
Hey everyone,
I'm currently using CMake to compile MyGUI for iOS and its saying that I'm missing Carbon and Cocoa. Shouldn't they have been installed with Xcode? I've posted the build log below.
I'm currently using CMake to compile MyGUI for iOS and its saying that I'm missing Carbon and Cocoa. Shouldn't they have been installed with Xcode? I've posted the build log below.
Configuring MYGUI 3.2.0
Looking for FREETYPE...
Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: ~/Documents/SDK/OgreDependencies/;/Users/david/Documents/SDK/MyGUI_3.2.0/bin/Dependencies;/Users/david/Documents/SDK/MyGUI_3.2.0/Dependencies;/Users/david/Documents/SDK/MyGUI_3.2.0/bin/../Dependencies;/Users/david/Documents/SDK/MyGUI_3.2.0/../Dependencies;/usr/local
Found FREETYPE: /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib
Looking for OIS...
Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
Found OIS: /Users/david/Documents/SDK/OgreDependencies/lib/release/libOIS.a
Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
Looking for Carbon...
Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
Could not locate Carbon
Looking for Cocoa...
Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
Could not locate Cocoa
Looking for IOKit...
Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
Could not locate IOKit
CMake Error at CMake/Utils/MacroLogFeature.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
-- The following REQUIRED packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Please install them before continuing this software installation.
-- If you are in Windows, try passing -DMYGUI_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=<path to
-- Also check that you buildind with RenderSystem that you need or set
another with -DMYGUI_RENDERSYSTEM=<1 2 or 3 for Direct3D_9 OGRE or OpenGL>
+ Carbon: Carbon <http://www.apple.com>
+ Cocoa: Cocoa <http://www.apple.com>
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMake/Dependencies.cmake:108 (MACRO_DISPLAY_FEATURE_LOG)
CMakeLists.txt:232 (include)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!