26-09-2012 15:56:58
I'm succesfully building libMyGUIEngine.dll and libMyGUI.OgrePlatform (against a very recent revision of Ogre 1.9, compiled in relwithdebinfo mode), but when building I get this:
and following errors all related to boost::system.
Notably, to make the compilation work using Ogre relwithdebinfo, I left a lot of OGRE_*_DBG CMake entries set to NOT_FOUND.
Boost was built under 'D:\DevelopmentC++\boost_1_50_0' , where i got the 'stage' folder.
Relevant boost CMake (I'm using version 2.8.3) variables are (taken from CMakeCache.txt):
I know it's a CMake question, but how can I get the demos and editor to build (as of now, I'm succesfully using the editor from the binary download)?
I'm succesfully building libMyGUIEngine.dll and libMyGUI.OgrePlatform (against a very recent revision of Ogre 1.9, compiled in relwithdebinfo mode), but when building I get this:
D:\DevelopmentC++\MYGUI_BUILD>mingw32-make -j8 install
[ 28%] Built target MyGUIEngine
[ 29%] Built target Plugin_StrangeButton
[ 31%] Built target MyGUI.OgrePlatform
[ 31%] Built target Common
Linking CXX shared library ..\..\bin\libEditorFramework.dll
Creating library file: ..\..\lib\libEditorFramework.dll.a
CMakeFiles\EditorFramework.dir/objects.a(MyGUI_FilterNoneSkin.cpp.obj): In funct
ion `thread_exception':
D:/DevelopmentC++/boost_1_50_0/boost/thread/exceptions.hpp:49: undefined referen
ce to `boost::system::system_category()'
and following errors all related to boost::system.
Notably, to make the compilation work using Ogre relwithdebinfo, I left a lot of OGRE_*_DBG CMake entries set to NOT_FOUND.
Boost was built under 'D:\DevelopmentC++\boost_1_50_0' , where i got the 'stage' folder.
Relevant boost CMake (I'm using version 2.8.3) variables are (taken from CMakeCache.txt):
//Path to Boost (required if Ogre was built with boost)
//Path to a file.
//Boost library directory
//Boost diagnostic define
# INTERNAL cache entries
//ADVANCED property for variable: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR
//ADVANCED property for variable: Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS
//The library version string for boost libraries
//The version number for boost libraries
I know it's a CMake question, but how can I get the demos and editor to build (as of now, I'm succesfully using the editor from the binary download)?