ProgressBarFill with image


25-10-2012 13:11:41

How can I use in vertical progress bar my image (such as photo) instead of ordinary line?
I don't need to scale it, because the scaling distorts image.
For example:


26-10-2012 09:47:35

You need to create skin and template for Progress next way:
Base is simple widget with gray head image, then empty widget, that represent progress bar line and child widget on this line with Align::Bottom.
And also you need to set "FlowDirection" BottomToTop in template for that progress bar, or from code call progressBar->setFlowDirection(MyGUI::FlowDirection::BottomToTop);


26-10-2012 15:04:26

I'm not sure I understood, but I tried create the ProgressBarImage :)

<Resource type="ResourceSkin" name="ProgressbarImageSkin" size="128 256" texture="ForgottenSkins.png">
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset="0 0 128 256" align="Stretch">
<State name="normal" offset="0 0 128 256"/>
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset="0 0 128 256" align="Bottom">
<State name="normal" offset="0 0 128 256"/>

<Resource type="ResourceLayout" name="ProgressBarImage" version="3.2.0">
<Widget type="Widget" skin="ProgressBarImageSkin" position="0 0 128 256" name="Root">
<Property key="MoveToClick" value="true"/>
<Property key="FlowDirection" value="BottomToTop"/>
<UserString key="LE_TargetWidgetType" value="ProgressBarImage"/>
<UserString key="TrackWidth" value="7"/>
<UserString key="TrackFill" value="false"/>
<UserString key="TrackSkin" value="SliderTrackHSkin"/>
<Widget type="Widget" skin="PanelEmpty" position="2 1 122 14" align="HStretch Top" name="TrackPlace">
<Property key="NeedKey" value="false"/>
<Property key="InheritsPick" value="true"/>

And layout:
<Widget type="ProgressBar" skin="ProgressBarImage" position_real="0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2">
<Widget type="ImageBox" skin="ImageBox" position_real="0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0" name="img_PSHintBar">
<Property key="ImageResource" value="Panels"/>
<Property key="ImageGroup" value="HintBarGroup"/>
<Property key="ImageName" value="HintBarBkg"/>
<Widget type="ImageBox" skin="ImageBox" position_real="0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0" name="img_PSHintBarFill" align="HCenter Bottom">
<Property key="ImageResource" value="Panels"/>
<Property key="ImageGroup" value="HintBarGroup"/>
<Property key="ImageName" value="HintBarFill"/>

Don`t work.
Could you explain me that in detail?


29-10-2012 06:49:51



30-10-2012 12:14:27

Please, help me, guys! :(


06-11-2012 01:13:10

I did it, but it only works in pixels and don't work in percents. :(
Rather, the maximum height in pixels progressbar always remains constant regardless of the size of progress bar in percents (in the layout). Highlighted in blue letters.
For example:

Skin:<Resource type="ResourceSkin" name="ProgressBarImageTrackVSkin" size="80 541" texture="ForgottenSkins.png">
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset="0 0 80 541" align="Bottom">
<State name="normal" offset="1968 240 80 541"/>

Template:<Resource type="ResourceLayout" name="ProgressBarImage" version="3.2.0">
<Widget type="Widget" skin="PanelEmpty" position="0 0 80 541" name="Root">
<UserString key="TrackFill" value="true"/>
<UserString key="TrackSkin" value="ProgressBarImageTrackVSkin"/>

Layout:<Widget type="ProgressBar" skin="ProgressBarImage" position_real="0.5 0.3 0.05 0.5" align="Stretch" layer="Info" name="TEST">
<Property key="FlowDirection" value="BottomToTop"/>
<Property key="Range" value="100"/>
<Property key="RangePosition" value="100"/>