24-06-2013 14:32:54
I have run the layout editor successfully.I can see the demo's layout .
But if I want to add any default widget to the layout. I can't see new widget in the left layout.
Or I want to create new layout. I can't create any widget in the left layout.
How to solve this question?
24-06-2013 15:54:12
I don't understand what you are trying to do and what you gain as result.
Layout Editor works, and to add new widget you need to select "Widgets" in right panel, click on button with required fidget, for example "EditBox" and then drag on left area to create widget of needed size.
24-06-2013 16:12:34
I don't understand what you are trying to do and what you gain as result.
Layout Editor works, and to add new widget you need to select "Widgets" in right panel, click on button with required fidget, for example "EditBox" and then drag on left are to create widget of needed size.
I have draged the selected widget in right panel .But in the left, I see nothing.
I create the new widget successfully.
But how to delete the widget on the left.
28-06-2013 01:06:29
click on the widget, then, while its highlighted, draw the dimensions with your cursor on the left.
28-06-2013 01:16:44
click on the widget, then, while its highlighted, draw the dimensions with your cursor on the left.