13-08-2014 23:09:57
when i create a textbox in the layout editor, (Type=TextBox) it works perfect but when i change the Skin from "TextBox" to "MyTextbox", the background image appears just fine but the text doesn't.

"MyTextbox" skin was created in the skin editor, it's a simple image background i want to change, nothing more, why it's hiding the text?
same if i select "TextBoxSkin". same for EditBox etc...
btw, when creating "MyTextbox", i enable the "Text" feature in the region tab.
i'm used to miyagi gui (skin means "backgroundimage" there)
any tips?
"MyTextbox" skin was created in the skin editor, it's a simple image background i want to change, nothing more, why it's hiding the text?
same if i select "TextBoxSkin". same for EditBox etc...
btw, when creating "MyTextbox", i enable the "Text" feature in the region tab.
i'm used to miyagi gui (skin means "backgroundimage" there)
any tips?