09-12-2015 16:15:58
Hi all,
I am trying to get the LayoutEditor to run, but it only starts, renders the "first" image of all widgets, but then crashes as soon I press any key or switch window focus.
This is the log message before the shutdown log routines:
Though I don't know how a simple Warning Log close the whole LayoutEditor? Anybody knows how to keep it open?
Many regards,
I am trying to get the LayoutEditor to run, but it only starts, renders the "first" image of all widgets, but then crashes as soon I press any key or switch window focus.
This is the log message before the shutdown log routines:
Load ini file 'Widgets.xml'
Load ini file 'WidgetsBackwardCompatibility.xml'
Load ini file 'Values.xml'
Load ini file 'Ignore.xml'
Load ini file 'Hotkeys.xml'
Load ini file 'SkinReplaces.xml'
Load ini file 'EditorPlugin.xml'
Load ini file 'StrangeButtonPlugin.xml'
Loading library Plugin_StrangeButton.dll
Plugin 'Plugin_StrangeButton.dll' not found
Load ini file 'HikariWidgetPlugin.xml'
Loading library Plugin_HikariWidget.dll
Plugin 'Plugin_HikariWidget.dll' not found
Load ini file 'BerkeliumWidgetPlugin.xml'
Loading library Plugin_BerkeliumWidget.dll
Plugin 'Plugin_BerkeliumWidget.dll' not found
Texture: Wallpaper.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,1024x1024x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,1024x1024x1.
Widget with name 'Projection' not found. [PositionSelectorControl.layout]
* Shutdown: Gui
* Shutdown: PointerManager
PointerManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: InputManager
InputManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: SkinManager
SkinManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: SubWidgetManager
SubWidgetManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: LayerManager
destroy layer 'Background'
destroy layer 'Back'
destroy layer 'LayoutEditor_Widgets'
destroy layer 'LayoutEditor_MainPane'
destroy layer 'LayoutEditor_Rectangle'
destroy layer 'Overlapped'
destroy layer 'Middle'
destroy layer 'Modal'
destroy layer 'Main'
destroy layer 'Popup'
destroy layer 'FadeMiddle'
destroy layer 'Info'
destroy layer 'ToolTip'
destroy layer 'DragAndDrop'
destroy layer 'FadeBusy'
destroy layer 'Pointer'
destroy layer 'Fade'
destroy layer 'Statistic'
LayerManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: FontManager
FontManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: ControllerManager
ControllerManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: ClipboardManager
ClipboardManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: LayoutManager
LayoutManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: PluginManager
PluginManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: DynLibManager
DynLibManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: LanguageManager
LanguageManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: ResourceManager
ResourceManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: FactoryManager
FactoryManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: ToolTipManager
ToolTipManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: WidgetManager
WidgetManager successfully shutdown
Gui successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: RenderManager
RenderManager successfully shutdown
* Shutdown: DataManager
DataManager successfully shutdown
Though I don't know how a simple Warning Log close the whole LayoutEditor? Anybody knows how to keep it open?
Many regards,