10-07-2008 18:26:20
Is there a way to create a MyGUI::Message without an icon? If I don't pass any icon to the ViewInfo parameter, there's no icon, but the text is still offset to the right. How can I create a Message without an icon, and the text centered properly?
Thanks for your help!
10-07-2008 19:15:32
Looks like it's broken now

I'll fix it today.
10-07-2008 20:48:56
Looks like it's broken now
I'll fix it today.
Thanks. The problem also occurs for Message without buttons (vertical centering).
12-07-2008 00:37:08 fixed message without icon. About buttons, if you'll need them just make another skin.
12-07-2008 09:57:05 fixed message without icon. About buttons, if you'll need them just make another skin.
I mean, when I make a message without any buttons, its not centered. With skins, I can just make the button height 0?
12-07-2008 12:06:51
Hmm... I've just updated to the latest version (SVN), and I'm using MyGUI::Message::None as the ViewInfo parameter, but the text still isn't centered horizontally.
Here's an image demonstrating the problem:-
13-07-2008 13:33:09
Here's the skin file:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Skin">
<Skin name = "Button" size = "54 26" texture = "core.png">
<Property key="FontName" value = "MyGUI_CoreFont.18" />
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<Property key="AlignText" value = "ALIGN_CENTER" />
<Property key="Colour" value = "0 0 0" />
<BasisSkin type="SubSkin" offset = "0 0 20 26" align = "ALIGN_LEFT ALIGN_VSTRETCH">
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<State name="disable"/>
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<State name="active"/>
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<Skin name = "ButtonSmall" size = "40 26" texture = "core.png" >
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<Property key="AlignText" value = "ALIGN_HCENTER ALIGN_VCENTER" />
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13-07-2008 13:38:40
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13-07-2008 23:20:23
update svn and change Message skin:
old <Child type="Widget" skin="MessageClient" offset = "10 35 8 -36" align = "ALIGN_STRETCH" name = "Text"/>
new <Child type="Widget" skin="MessageClient" offset = "10 35 8 8" align = "ALIGN_STRETCH" name = "Text"/>
14-07-2008 22:33:51
Ok, I've fixed it, thanks a lot!