31-07-2008 18:38:51
I'm having some problems binding delegates to a couple of events.
These handlers:
are giving me compilers warnings as if the prototypes for the methods were incorrect.
The methods are prototyped such:
int was supposed to be unsigned.....
These handlers:
hscroll->eventScrollChangePosition = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &GUIListener::slideVolume_PositionChanged);
cbx->eventComboChangePosition = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &GUIListener::ddlResolution_IndexChanged);
are giving me compilers warnings as if the prototypes for the methods were incorrect.
The methods are prototyped such:
void ddlResolution_IndexChanged(MyGUI::WidgetPtr sender, int idx);
void slideVolume_PositionChanged(MyGUI::WidgetPtr sender, int _pos);
int was supposed to be unsigned.....