Having trouble to run the application [Solved]


10-08-2008 20:43:11


Im experiencing a problem when I try to run my .exe. It says that "the application could not be initialised properly.. press ok to terminate...".

The problem began after i switched to myGui from CEGUI. My project compiles and links without errors. So does the source code of MyGUI. But I still suspect it it something with the MyGUI_d.dll ..?

Any ideas?


11-08-2008 08:47:18

Any ideas?

Any Ogre/MyGUI Logs ? :roll:


11-08-2008 12:50:45

Nope, I think its not comes that far. When I compile MyGUI I get about 24 warnings about some .pdb-files could not be located but I still get a .dll and a .lib.

my MyGUI_d.dll is about 2 764 kb? how big is yours?

Using VC Express 2008. MyGUI 2.0.2_RC_1 and tested MyGUI 2.0.0 too.


11-08-2008 14:47:02

Anyways, i think that's a good start point (looking into these logs...)

Have you tried the debugger ? believe me, that debugger DOES INCREDIBLE MAGIC, I mean, it solves at least 70% of the problems n_n (if you know how to use it, of course)

Well, i'll post my compiled SDK :


File MD5 : 9A7741B90C508DF3C65FDACFD953CB29

│ ├───Debug
│ └───Release


11-08-2008 14:59:59

You must tell, for what IDE this SDK.
Without telling this you causing many troubles to users that can use it in wrong IDE (and troubles for me, answering them why MyGUI is "broken" ;) ).


11-08-2008 15:15:11


I have the same IDE, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

btw : May I create a post with compiled SDK,doxygen generated documentation and other resources ?
for having a "out of the box" SDK ? for those who are impatient, who don't wan't to spend time/hard disk compiling MyGUI


11-08-2008 15:28:24

~"]May I create a post with compiled SDKYou are welcome. But I tell why we didn't created SDK. First or all MyGUI currently developing very fast, so I recommend everyone use source code from svn. Second reason is that there's several IDE's we(developers) don't have and it will be hard to keep different SDK's up-to-date.
~"]... doxygen generated documentation..It will be good. Online doxygen generated documentation can be found here.~"]... and other resources ?What other resources? :)


11-08-2008 16:00:13

Okey, first of all. Where do I retrive the svn ? I've downloaded src from sourceforge (?). Second, my file structure does'nt look like yours. My MyGUI solution looks like this:

| |---include
| |---lib
| |---debug
| |---MyGUI_d.lib
| |---release
| |---debug
|--- MyGUI_d.dll

I ain'nt got no bin folder .. =/. May I have the "wrong source" ?

PS. No logs is being created since the application is not even starting up fully


11-08-2008 16:02:29

Your structure is correct. ~[L]~ renamed and replaced some folders.

Here's svn link https://my-gui.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/my-gui
You also need client to use it (I recommend tortoise svn).


11-08-2008 16:07:15

I need a password and username?


11-08-2008 17:50:49

You are welcome. But I tell why we didn't created SDK. First or all MyGUI currently developing very fast, so I recommend everyone use source code from svn. Second reason is that there's several IDE's we(developers) don't have and it will be hard to keep different SDK's up-to-date.

For me, this is not a trouble. I have to stay up-to-date too ...
so... two minutes more uploading my build is not a trouble ;)

By the moment, I can compile only for Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 and Visual C++ 2008 n_n
And Maybe Code::Blocks too .. (if asked)

It will be good. Online doxygen generated documentation can be found here.

I customized a little bit the documentation ...
for completeness reasons, take a look : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/
now i'm downloading graphviz, so, I have to upload the 6 or 7 thousand files again xD

What other resources? Smile

we'll see =)

Okey, first of all. Where do I retrive the svn ? I've downloaded src from sourceforge (?). Second, my file structure does'nt look like yours. My MyGUI solution looks like this:

Your structure is correct. ~[L]~ renamed and replaced some folders.

Here's svn link https://my-gui.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/my-gui
You also need client to use it (I recommend tortoise svn).

Exactly, I organized the things a little bit =)

I need a password and username?


Respect to the documentation : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/
have a little of patience, I'm updating this documentation .. (The entire documentation was generated in 7000 files aprox.)

I'm adding the GraphViz graphs, search function, eeetc..

Adieu n_n


11-08-2008 18:36:03


I need a password and username?


I don't get it. Altren gave me this link: https://my-gui.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/my-gui and it asks for username and password. I'm no experienced SVN/Totoise user so I might not understand your link :)


11-08-2008 18:39:30

I need a password and username?No. You need it only for write access.~"]I customized a little bit the documentation ...
for completeness reasons, take a look : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/
now i'm downloading graphviz, so, I have to upload the 6 or 7 thousand files again xD
Looks like it's currently not available.


11-08-2008 18:41:48

I need a password and username?No. You need it only for write access.~"]I customized a little bit the documentation ...
for completeness reasons, take a look : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/
now i'm downloading graphviz, so, I have to upload the 6 or 7 thousand files again xD
Looks like it's currently not available.

Ahh got it. My misstake. Thanks.


11-08-2008 18:44:01

yeap, i'm deleting the old stuff and uploading the new ;)


11-08-2008 18:52:56

Ok, I've downloaded L's SDK and replace his .lib and .dll with mine but the problem still occurs. I'm getting this message in VC Express:

Loaded 'Ogre3D\bin\debug\MyGUI_d.dll'
LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor() failed to probe Ogre3D\bin\debug\MyGUI_d.dll for its manifest, ntstatus 0xc0150002
Debugger:: An unhandled non-continuable exception was thrown during process load
The program '[3068] Ogre3D.exe: Native' has exited with code -1072365566 (0xc0150002).

Im using this code to init MyGUI:
// setup mygui system
mGui = new MyGUI::Gui();

mLayoutMgr = LayoutManager::getInstancePtr();

Whenever i #include "MyGUI.h" the problem occurs. It compiles without any error though.


11-08-2008 20:22:10

Don't replace the binaries, maybe we are using diferent svn revisions and that's surely the problem (the symbols in the dll aren't the same), try with my SDK,compile in debug mode, then, post the Ogre.log and MyGUI.log please ...

The documentation is fully uploaded, take a look : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/

Dew ~>


11-08-2008 20:34:53

~"]Don't replace the binaries, maybe we are using diferent svn revisions and that's surely the problem (the symbols in the dll aren't the same), try with my SDK,compile in debug mode, then, post the Ogre.log and MyGUI.log please ...

The documentation is fully uploaded, take a look : http://lawliet.net84.net/MyGUI/

Dew ~>

Like I said before there is no MyGUI.log since the application does'nt run. It's a critical/fatal error. Im not using anything from the svn now. I fully depend the project on your SDK.


11-08-2008 21:05:19

Ok, i made some research, and apparently the dependencies of the dll aren't installed on your machine ...

look at this thread :

http://forums.msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/ ... cd64ddbf6/

Please, check the dependency walker : http://www.dependencywalker.com/

and see what you need for running the app..
surely, BUT SURELY it's this dll : MSVCR80D.DLL

so, take a look of how you compile your application (if you're hurry, you can find that file in the visualc++ redist)
in the non-redistributables debug dll's



11-08-2008 23:30:21

Okey, I get this when running dependency walker:
Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "<path-to-file>\MYGUI_D.DLL" contains errors.
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module.
Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

And I seem to miss a file called DWMAPI.DLL


12-08-2008 20:58:40

I have still not fixed it yet. Tried to get all those dll's L suggested with no results. I really want to try MyGUI and this problem stops all development :(.

More ideas?


13-08-2008 18:27:50

It might be the Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT.manifest.manifest file Im missing. All I have is Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT.manifest which probably come with my IDE (VC++ Express 2008 v.9.0 )? So maybe I need the non-redist files for Express 2005 v8.0 ? But I cant find a place to download ..


13-08-2008 18:45:35

...my IDE (VC++ Express 2008 v.9.0 )What MyGUI SDK do you use? Looks like you use wrong one. If you use correct SDK (for VC++ Express 2008) there shouldn't be anything about VC80 - only VC90


13-08-2008 20:10:09

...my IDE (VC++ Express 2008 v.9.0 )What MyGUI SDK do you use? Looks like you use wrong one. If you use correct SDK (for VC++ Express 2008) there shouldn't be anything about VC80 - only VC90

My thoughts exactly. But it still complains about the VC80 not being installed on my system. I've tried L's precompiled SDK, built from source myself. All with the same results.

So far tried:
Reinstalled Express 2008
Reinstalled all redist packages
Installed Express 2005


13-08-2008 20:33:13

Here's the log when i build MyGUI myself. Using Visual C++ 2008 Express 9.0.
1>Embedding manifest...
1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1
1>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
1>LINK : bin\Debug\MyGUI_d.dll not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link
1> Creating library lib\Debug\MyGUI_d.lib and object lib\Debug\MyGUI_d.exp
1>freetype235_D.lib(autofit.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(bdf.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(cff.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftbase.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftbitmap.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftdebug.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftglyph.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftgzip.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftinit.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftlzw.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(ftsystem.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(smooth.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(pcf.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(pfr.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(psaux.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(pshinter.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(psmodule.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(raster.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(sfnt.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(truetype.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(type1.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(type1cid.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(type42.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>freetype235_D.lib(winfnt.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc80.pdb' was not found with 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\\Dependencies\lib\Debug\freetype235_D.lib' or at 'e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\bin\Debug\vc80.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>Build log was saved at "file://e:\Program\Övrigt\SDK\MyGui\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>MyGUIEngine_v8 - 0 error(s), 48 warning(s)
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


13-08-2008 21:08:40

This is such pain in the ass and I'll have to abandon MyGUI. Thanks for your attention.


14-08-2008 00:11:18

I could'nt resist the will to solve this problem and now 48 hours later its solved.

Too bad though I've messed around so much that Im not certain of what I really did that to make it work. However my actions follows:

* Installed VC++ Express 2008 SP1
* Installed VC++ Express 2005 + SP1
* Using L's MyGUI SDK for VC++ Express 2008
* Uppdated Ogre from 1.4.something to 1.4.9 SDK for VC++ Express 2008


09-09-2008 21:36:23

I had this same problem aswell.

I was using VisualStudioExpress 2008 ... but was compiling MyGUI with the VC8 (VC2007? the versioning of all these VCs confuse me) dependencies.

Once I compiled the dependent library Freetype with VC 2008, all was good :)


10-09-2008 03:26:44

@Dave :
Visual C++ 2008 = 9.0
Visual C++ 2005 = 8.0 (With Service Pack, OF COURSE)

You create a double dependency issue, the VC9.0 and VC8.0 redistributables DLL's (Like 6 Dll's, 3 each one)

So, naturally that you'll have a lot of problems, please, compile all with one Visual C++ for avoiding this, and, if you select an precompiled SDK, please, select the right one =)

And remember to ship those non-debug redistributable Dll's or the M$ installer for that ..

2005 Redist : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

2008 Redist : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

Dew ~


11-09-2008 08:38:29

Thanks for the info ~[L]~ :)


10-10-2008 23:03:17

Ok, Im back again. This time with the same issu :(. I'm now running on a 64-bits vista. Does myGui support x64 ?


11-10-2008 00:18:44

I don't know :) Never tested, but I'm almost sure that it should work fine there.
What do you use? Compiling MyGUI yourself or using some compiled things?


11-10-2008 00:54:04

Using your precompiled SDK (all revisions I believe) and Ogre 1.6.0RC1. We got to sort this out and locate the exact source of this problem :).


11-10-2008 01:03:09

This it not my precompiled SDK - all MyGUI SDKs is unofficial and created by 3rd man.
You need to compile MyGUI yourself from sources (taking dependencies from Ogre dependencies).

You always can get latest sources here http://my-gui.svn.sourceforge.net/viewv ... z?view=tar


11-10-2008 01:13:54

Ohh thats right. I meant [L]'s SDK. I'll try to compile from source by my self.


11-10-2008 13:11:44

It did not work to compile from source. Same problem resides. However I'm curious why the inputfile in the MyGUI project requeriers freetype230 and the freetype file you supply on sourceforge is freetype235? I've always tried to cheat and renamed the 235 to 230 and the compilers does'nt complain. I will try to compile freetype230 from source and try.

Okey, I think I've figured it out. I downloaded freetype 2.3.0 source from their website and compiled it. Then I compiled MyGUI with the new lib and header-files and then finally rebuild my project against the new MyGUI lib. I think developers of MyGUI should supply the proper freetype lib. Don't you think? :)


11-10-2008 13:58:12

You need to compile MyGUI yourself from sources (taking dependencies from Ogre dependencies).Dependencies on sourceforge for visual studio 2005 SP1, not for 2008.


11-10-2008 14:44:06

You need to compile MyGUI yourself from sources (taking dependencies from Ogre dependencies).Dependencies on sourceforge for visual studio 2005 SP1, not for 2008.

But in the project settings, linker inputfile is set to freetype230. But the compiled freetype from MyGUI sourceforge is freetype235. It's confusing.


11-10-2008 15:07:47

Don't care about it. MyGUI works fine with both freetype230 and freetype235. But you need to get freetype compiled for visual studio 2008. Freetype on MyGUI sourceforge page is for visual studio 2005.