03-12-2008 11:09:39
Is it intended behaviour that the eventRequestDrop from the Source ItemBox is called even if I drop it on a different item box.
2. Which license do the demos use LGPL or public domain or something different?
03-12-2008 14:11:54
Is it intended behaviour that the eventRequestDrop from the Source ItemBox is called even if I drop it on a different item box.
Yes, but you can compare sender and reciever if you want.
2. Which license do the demos use LGPL or public domain or something different?
MyGUI source code, MyGUI demos source code and media that come with it licensed under LGPL except DejaVu fonts (Licensed Under: read
03-12-2008 17:11:44
Thanks for the fast answer.
1. So this means that I have to include a pointer to another class only for comparing if i am allowed to drop it there.
At first i even thought this is a bug because it seemed irrational to me

May I ask what the real motivation for that behaviour was?
2. This means that as far as I understand the LGPL that if I use the source from the drag n drop demo (and modify it) I have to provide my full application source unless I find a way to dynamically link it.
Maybe I should ask this in the FSF forums.
03-12-2008 23:19:35
1. So this means that I have to include a pointer to another class only for comparing if i am allowed to drop it there.
At first i even thought this is a bug because it seemed irrational to me 
May I ask what the real motivation for that behaviour was?
You can get pointer of another class from _info.reseiver, so sth like
if(_sender == _info.reseiver){/*do something*/}
We use this event in item box demo. Without causing event you can't move items from one item box to another.
2. This means that as far as I understand the LGPL that if I use the source from the drag n drop demo (and modify it) I have to provide my full application source unless I find a way to dynamically link it.
Maybe I should ask this in the FSF forums.
Oh, well I think we should change demos license to something other LGPL to make them freely usable. What license Ogre demos use?
04-12-2008 21:09:24
Thanks for considering a license change of the demo code.
What I meant by my previous post 1. was that I splitted Source and Destination code (In my case vendor inventory and my inventory) where each part manages its own item box(even different delegates used).
Now I have to include a pointer to MyInventory in the VendorInventory to decide in VendorInventor::eventRequestDrop if i am allowed to drop it in MyInventory

Doesn't matter that much from a programming point of view but I feel about that being bad design.
Maybe I am missing something here thats why i asked about the motivation behind using source::eventRequestDrop.
With destination::eventRequestDrop i would still have the sender from _info but I will decide from the data if I want to drop the item here which feels more naturally to me.
Hope this helps to understand my point of view.