09-12-2008 20:36:07
Im loading one layout(debug.layout) which works fine and Im able too see it on my renderwindow. When I load my second layout(lvleditor.layout) however, I cannot see it on the renderwindow. I get no errors but I get a lot of warnings in the log. The log says also that it has loaded the layout successfully?
Im loading one layout(debug.layout) which works fine and Im able too see it on my renderwindow. When I load my second layout(lvleditor.layout) however, I cannot see it on the renderwindow. I get no errors but I get a lot of warnings in the log. The log says also that it has loaded the layout successfully?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MyGUI type="Layout">
<Widget type="Tab" skin="Tab" position="736 560 288 208" name="LvlEditorWindow">
<Widget type="Sheet" skin="Default" position="8 31 272 169">
<Property key="Widget_Caption" value="Objects"/>
<Widget type="ComboBox" skin="ComboBox" position="0 17 128 32" name="ObjectSelect"/>
20:39:27 | General | Info | Register value : 'LeftBottom' = 18 | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_align.cpp | 68
20:39:27 | General | Info | Load ini file 'core.font' from resource group : General | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 155
20:39:27 | General | Info | Load ini file 'core.pointer' from resource group : General | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 155
20:39:27 | General | Info | Load ini file '' from resource group : General | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 155
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'CheckBox' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'RadioBox' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'ButtonSmall' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'Button' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'Edit' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'ComboBoxButton' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'ComboBox' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'TabButton' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'Tab' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'DefaultClient' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'List' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'WindowCaption' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'WindowC' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'WindowCS' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'WindowCSX' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'Message' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MessageIcon' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MenuBar' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MenuBarButton' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'PopupMenu' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'PanelSmall' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'List' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MultiList' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MultiListButton' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'MultiListButtonIcon' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'PopupMenuLine' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'PopupMenuLineIcon' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScrollTrack' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScrollTop' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScrollBottom' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScrollTopPart' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScrollBottomPart' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VScroll' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScrollTrack' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScrollLeft' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScrollRight' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScrollLeftPart' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScrollRightPart' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HScroll' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'HSlider' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'VSlider' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'ProgressTrack' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin with name 'Progress' already exist | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 69
20:39:28 | General | Info | Load ini file 'core_new.pointer' from resource group : General | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 155
20:39:28 | General | Warning | pointer 'arrow' exist, erase old data | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_pointermanager.cpp | 83
20:39:28 | General | Warning | pointer 'beam' exist, erase old data | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_pointermanager.cpp | 83
20:39:28 | General | Warning | pointer 'size_left' exist, erase old data | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_pointermanager.cpp | 83
20:39:28 | General | Warning | pointer 'size_right' exist, erase old data | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_pointermanager.cpp | 83
20:39:28 | General | Warning | pointer 'hand' exist, erase old data | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_pointermanager.cpp | 83
20:39:28 | General | Info | Load ini file 'core_resource.xml' from resource group : General | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 155
20:39:28 | General | Error | resource type 'ImageSet' not found | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_resourcemanager.cpp | 97
20:39:28 | General | Info | Gui successfully initialized | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_gui.cpp | 95
20:39:28 | General | Info | load layout '../media/MyGUI_Media/debug.layout' | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_layoutmanager.cpp | 56
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin '' not found, set Default | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 58
20:39:28 | General | Info | Font 'Comic.18' using texture size 1024 x 128 | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_font.cpp | 172
20:39:28 | General | Info | Font 'Comic.18' using real height 18 pixels | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_font.cpp | 173
20:39:28 | General | Info | Font 'MyGUI_CoreFont.18' using texture size 1024 x 128 | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_font.cpp | 172
20:39:28 | General | Info | Font 'MyGUI_CoreFont.18' using real height 18 pixels | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_font.cpp | 173
20:39:28 | General | Info | load layout '../media/MyGUI_Media/lvleditor.layout' | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_layoutmanager.cpp | 56
20:39:28 | General | Warning | Skin '' not found, set Default | c:\development\sdk\mygui\myguiengine\src\mygui_skinmanager.cpp | 58