cmake buildsystem for myGUI?


28-12-2008 18:04:13

i was just wondering if someone is working on a cmake buildsystem for myGUI?


28-12-2008 20:39:48

At least no one from developers and never heard that someone planning to do it.
Automake and code::block project files is not enough?


29-12-2008 15:24:41

At least no one from developers and never heard that someone planning to do it.
Automake and code::block project files is not enough?

we just have a project using cmake for everything.
i might create a cmake build system then if i find the required time ;)


02-01-2009 18:21:37

i have integrated MyGUI successfully into my buildsystem it was very easy:

(just used the MyGUIEngine directory) (also note the variables used are highly project-specific, so there is not much use to write a general CMakeFile.txt)

FILE(GLOB_RECURSE mygui_src src/*.cpp)

include_directories (include)
include_directories (${Project_SOURCE_DIR}/ogrenew/OgreMain/include) #OgreMain
include_directories (${Project_SOURCE_DIR}/ogrenew/Dependencies/include) # for freetype
include_directories (${Project_SOURCE_DIR}/OIS-HEAD/ois/includes) #ois

# add definitions
add_definitions("-D_USRDLL -DMYGUI_BUILD")

# the final lib
add_library(mygui SHARED ${mygui_src})

add_dependencies(mygui OgreMain)
target_link_libraries(mygui OgreMain)

# install target