as you can see in the above screenshot, the first item is not shown, after the list was cleared and got shorter.
our code:
is this a bug, or can i workaround that somehow else in order to ensure that the first element is always fully visible?
20-01-2009 09:03:47
Yes, it is bug. Will be fixed soon.
Yes, it is bug. Will be fixed soon.
thank you very much. can you please reply here once its fixed, or give me any hints where i can look for the bug to fix it myself?
20-01-2009 18:27:57
Tell me what GUI version you use and more detailed description how to reproduce bug.
I tried to add many items (more tha can fit in it), then move scroll a bit and then delete several items and calllist->setItemSelectedAt(0);
but everything looks fine.
2tdev - update svn
ok, updating ...
thank you very much, its working!