Its not really a problem, just really annoying: if i want to open any myGUI files i normally get this warning:

so, please could you fix that problem in your SVN?
if you code on different platforms (windows+unix) you can use the SVN property eol-style to support both platforms native line endings:
more info there:
(i am using eol-style:native here and its working great)
thank you for the wonderful GUI library
23-01-2009 15:28:21
Actually I disabled this warning.
Now I added eol-style:native to all files recursively.
23-01-2009 18:05:04
Well, looks like it helped, but I have new problem now: how to keep all files having this property? I added it to each file now.
I doesn't looks fine for me to add it every time for each new file.
Well, looks like it helped, but I have new problem now: how to keep all files having this property? I added it to each file now.
I doesn't looks fine for me to add it every time for each new file.
thanks for changing it. I think its a good thing to do if you develop cross-platform.
I also dont know any other way other then adding the property every time you add a new file. (maybe there is a per-directory setting?)
28-01-2009 13:55:13
How this property works?
Yesterday I changed file under linux and now opened it in windows, but I see that line endings inconsistent now. Do I need to run some special command to normalise line endings using svn:eol property?
28-01-2009 18:24:55
Er, I'm confused a bit. I added this property recursively but it applied only to files that already have consistent line endings.
Er, I'm confused a bit. I added this property recursively but it applied only to files that already have consistent line endings.
as far as i got it works as following:
1) make all inconsistent files consistent. Means: add either windows or linux line endling to the whole file (with VS or notepad++ or such). Please note that this means a bit manual work, but you do it only once.
2) add a svn property for all files: svn:eol-style to "native". That is on windows:
a) select all .cpp, h files
b) right click, TurtoiseSVN->Properties->New
c) Property Name: svn:eol-style
d) Property Value: native
3) commit the changes
now, if you checkout the whole thing under windows you will get windows lineendings (\r\n) and if you check it out under linux, you will get linux line endings (\n). At least in theory
i hope you get it working, we had the same problem when our project went multi-platform, and this resolved it
31-01-2009 14:35:24