Hydrax 0.5 and caelum 0.4


14-04-2009 12:46:35

Hi all
I am new to this forum, and I am currently trying to integrate Hydrax 0.5 and Caelum 0.4 in my project.
But I have some important limitations, I would like to know if solutions exist.

- Is it impossible to mix caelum (ground fog) or ogre fog with hydrax ? I really need fog in my application... (just waiting for this topic too http://ogre3d.org/addonforums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9480...)

- When I create a depth composer object with caelum, this assert happens void DepthRenderer::update()
assert(oldCameraViewport == getMasterViewport());
is there a solution for that ?

- Running in debug mode with hydrax is very slow, (XP, Quad core 2.4 Ghz, 8800 GTX), have you got this probleme too ? is it normal ?

- I cannot run Hydrax with OpenGL, I have an ogre exception:
OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Named constants have not been initialised, perhaps a compile error. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at f:\codingextra\ogre\shoggoth_vc9\ogre\ogremain\src\ogregpuprogram.cpp (line 1087)
I think that GLSL shaders are missing, so is it planned to make Hydrax compatible with OpenGL in future version ? does another solution exist ?

thx for your answers


18-04-2009 16:39:26

I have yet to find a solution to the fog problem. Not only that, But there is another bug whereby, with caelum enabled, the water seems tooooooo transparent. Like when i place my camera so it can look from "under" a wave, The wave appears not to be there, due to this extreme transparency. When i use a standard skybox, This transparency problem does not occour. Im hoping that when skyx is released, These problems will go. If not, I may have to develop my own system, which is a pitty.




20-04-2009 14:23:17

at last !! thanx a lot for your answer ! ^^
for the fog problem, I want to write fog shader then try to apply it on the whole scene with a compositor, didn't have the time to implement it yet...( well that is also a "pity" to implement own fog...)
About your transparency pb, sorry but I cannot help you, but I may have a look and try this bug.
I am also waiting for skyx, it looks great,I just hope that it will work with hydra better than caelum does!
I am very disappointed about this forum, I did'nt have any answers :roll:


20-04-2009 15:08:33

@scratchyrice - did you see my post viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9480

(D/W)M_Technique_Pass0->setFog(true, Ogre::FOG_NONE);

Add that to all techniques in Hydrax's MaterialManager.cpp

Also, I know what you mean about the transparency. You don't quite know when the water starts and where it ends... :P


20-04-2009 15:17:29

@ DanielSefton - Indeed, I did. However, This is a good solution, Except it completely disables fog on the water, Which is a bit of a bummer lol.




20-04-2009 15:54:15

lol why didn't you help me ???
I saw your answer and Iceman1540 is still waiting for you in your thread... :shock:
"you can elaborate a little, I'm trying to get fog working also.
Thanks in advance."



20-04-2009 17:44:07

@ DanielSefton - Indeed, I did. However, This is a good solution, Except it completely disables fog on the water, Which is a bit of a bummer lol.
Because atm with fog enabled the hydrax water plane does not react to camera distance, it is always fogged no matter where i am.
That's how Hydrax works. It's a projective plane - it's basically infinite according to your camera position. The fog isn't going to budge. :P

lol why didn't you help me ???

I was just @ing scratchyrice because he asked the same question, and I was wondering if he'd solved it. I helped you too by posting the solution...

I saw your answer and Iceman1540 is still waiting for you in your thread... :shock:
"you can elaborate a little, I'm trying to get fog working also.
Thanks in advance."

It's not rocket science. :roll:

Underneath wherever WM_Technique_Pass0 or DM_Technique_Pass0 is declared, add ->setFog(true, Ogre::FOG_NONE); - I don't know how I can explain it any better. :P


06-05-2009 22:41:44

Thank you, I understand now. I didn't know what (D/W) was.
Its clear now.