Crash in PCZSceneNode::_addToRenderQueue


22-03-2011 14:05:05

I'm trying to finally actually get our project to use portals. We've had the PCZSM on the background for a good while but haven't actually utilised it, just had everything in the default zone.

We have outdoors terrain of Ogre::Terrain chunks next to each other, and each of these is one game-defined Zone. So I'm trying to get started by making each game-zone an PCZone, this is the code:

Zone::Zone( Engine* pEngine, World* pWorld, const Vector3& vecPosition,
const std::wstring& sTerrainFilename, const Ogre::String& sName ):
mEngine( pEngine ), mWorld( pWorld ), mName( sName ), mZone( NULL ),
mNode( NULL ), mPortalInto( NULL ), mPortalOutFrom( NULL ),
mPosition( vecPosition )
mTerrain = new GameTerrain( sTerrainFilename, mPosition,
mEngine->pPhysics, mWorld->getPhysical(), mEngine->pGraphics,
this );


void Zone::initialize( void )
PCZSceneManager* mScene = mEngine->pGraphics->getSceneMgr();

PCZSceneNode* mBaseNode = (PCZSceneNode*)mScene->getRootSceneNode();

mNode = (PCZSceneNode*)mBaseNode->createChildSceneNode(
mName + "_node", mPosition );

// Create zone
mZone = mScene->createZone( "ZoneType_Default", mName + "_zone" );
mZone->setEnclosureNode( mNode );
mScene->addPCZSceneNode( mNode, mZone );

float fRadius = mTerrain->getWorldSize() / 2.0f;

Vector3 vaCorners[2];
vaCorners[0] = Vector3( -fRadius, 0.0f, -fRadius );
vaCorners[1] = Vector3( fRadius, mTerrain->getWorldSize(), fRadius );

// Create AABB portal encompassing this terrain piece
mPortalInto = mScene->createPortal( mName + "_portalInto",
Ogre::PortalBase::PORTAL_TYPE_AABB );

mPortalInto->setCorners( vaCorners );
mPortalInto->setDirection( Vector3::UNIT_Z ); // portal normals point outwards
mPortalInto->setNode( mNode );
mPortalInto->setTargetZone( mZone );
mZone->_addPortal( mPortalInto );

// Create AABB portal encompassing this terrain piece
mPortalOutFrom = mScene->createPortal( mName + "_portalOutFrom",
Ogre::PortalBase::PORTAL_TYPE_AABB );

mPortalOutFrom->setCorners( vaCorners );
mPortalOutFrom->setDirection( Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z ); // portal normals point inwards
mPortalOutFrom->setNode( mNode );
mPortalOutFrom->setTargetZone( mZone );
mZone->_addPortal( mPortalOutFrom );

void Zone::activatePhysical( void )

void Zone::activateVisual( void )

void Zone::deActivatePhysical( void )

void Zone::deActivateVisual( void )

PCZSceneManager* mScene = mEngine->pGraphics->getSceneMgr();

if ( mPortalOutFrom )
mScene->destroyPortal( mPortalOutFrom );
if ( mPortalInto )
mScene->destroyPortal( mPortalInto );
if ( mZone )
mScene->destroyZone( mZone, false );
if ( mNode )
mScene->destroySceneNode( mNode->getName() );

SAFE_DELETE( mTerrain );

With this done, the game crashes on the first frame render, with a callstack like:

> Plugin_PCZSceneManager_d.dll!Ogre::PCZSceneNode::_addToRenderQueue(Ogre::Camera * cam=0x0283a960, Ogre::RenderQueue * queue=0x05b82ed0, bool onlyShadowCasters=false, Ogre::VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo * visibleBounds=0x05d9ec40)
Plugin_PCZSceneManager_d.dll!Ogre::PCZSceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Ogre::Camera * cam=0x0283a960, Ogre::VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo * visibleBounds=0x05d9ec40, bool onlyShadowCasters=false)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::SceneManager::_renderScene(Ogre::Camera * camera=0x0283a960, Ogre::Viewport * vp=0x0283b570, bool includeOverlays=true)
Plugin_PCZSceneManager_d.dll!Ogre::PCZSceneManager::_renderScene(Ogre::Camera * cam=0x0283a960, Ogre::Viewport * vp=0x0283b570, bool includeOverlays=true)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::Camera::_renderScene(Ogre::Viewport * vp=0x0283b570, bool includeOverlays=true)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::RenderTarget::_updateViewport(Ogre::Viewport * viewport=0x0283b570, bool updateStatistics=true)
RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d.dll!Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow::_updateViewport(Ogre::Viewport * viewport=0x0283b570, bool updateStatistics=true)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::RenderTarget::_updateAutoUpdatedViewports(bool updateStatistics=true)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::RenderTarget::update(bool swap=false)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::RenderSystem::_updateAllRenderTargets(bool swapBuffers=false)
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets(Ogre::FrameEvent & evt={...})
OgreMain_d.dll!Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame(float timeSinceLastFrame=6.8937351e-007)

The crash happens here:
void PCZSceneNode::_addToRenderQueue( Camera* cam,
RenderQueue *queue,
bool onlyShadowCasters,
VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds )
ObjectMap::iterator mit = mObjectsByName.begin(); // <---- boom! access violation. either thisptr is invalid, or mObjectsByName is zero. i can't really tell.

Any help? It's really quite difficult to gather all the bits and pieces of things to do and remember in order to use PCZSM :(


03-04-2011 01:13:43

This is just a guess, coz I've never messed around with AABB portals, but I noticed your out and in portals are both pointed to the same zone...


mPortalInto->setTargetZone( mZone );
mZone->_addPortal( mPortalInto );
mPortalOutFrom->setTargetZone( mZone );
mZone->_addPortal( mPortalOutFrom );

Is that the way AABB portals work? With the quad portals, doing that would cause a crash.


12-04-2011 18:37:38

This is just a guess, coz I've never messed around with AABB portals, but I noticed your out and in portals are both pointed to the same zone...

Is that the way AABB portals work? With the quad portals, doing that would cause a crash.

Finally got back to the zoning stuff. Yes, that seemed to be the problem :) Guess I had some kind of brainfreeze while writing that part of the code.
Seems to work fine now! Thanks :)