

05-08-2011 12:44:52

Just a quick question.

Basically i'm working on an architectural style model viewer which means scenes can be anything from urban landscapes to individual buildings.
This means the scene will need to handle indoor and outdoor scenes efficiently. Now after looking about at all my options. It seems like using the PCZ SM is the way to go.
I'll probably end up using the Octree zone type too but for now the Default zone type will do.

Anyway back to my question about portal types. There's only 3 types Quad, AABB, and Sphere for what I can see.
Was there any particular reason why the SM only supports quad convex polygon portals and not convex polygons of any size i.e. triangles, hexagons, octagons you name it?
Not all windows for example are quadrilateral in nature. I'm presuming quad was used just for simplicity.

Also how does the SM handle travelling through zones? Do you have to travel through portals or can it handle flying through walls etc?
How are zones defined? Just as AABB's? If so, how does the SM handle overlapping sectors. Example below (zone A and zone B top down view)
| / |
| A / B |
| / |

I'll probably end up asking more questions, but for now that will do lol.



10-08-2011 08:50:07

Any takers?