I think im stoopid, please help


29-10-2005 05:08:24

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Wallace\Desktop\pyogretutproj\basic_1.py", line 11, in ?
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Wallace\Desktop\pyogretutproj\SampleFramework.py", line 23, in go
if not self._setUp():
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Wallace\Desktop\pyogretutproj\SampleFramework.py", line 35, in _setUp
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Wallace\Desktop\pyogretutproj\SampleFramework.py", line 58, in _setUpResources
ogre.ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton().addResourceLocation(path, key, section)
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pyogre\ogre.py", line 6154, in addResourceLocation
return _ogre.ResourceGroupManager_addResourceLocation(*args)
ExceptionPtr: \projects\ogre1-0-5\OgreMain\src\OgreZip.cpp(254): ogre error 9: ../media/packs/OgreCore.zip - error whilst opening archive: Unable to read zip file.

is the beautiful error i get when i try to run anything pyogre related, im not sure where to even begin to remedy this, so if anyone has any suggestions, or know exactly what it is that im doing wrong, i would appriciate it.


29-10-2005 05:26:34

To run any of the tutorials or samples you have to have Ogre's media folder in a location it can find. Open up the resources.cfg file that should be in the same folder with the .py files. This should have a relative path to your media directory. If you don't have the media directory you can download it from the downloads page:


29-10-2005 06:09:39

cool thanks, see told you all i was stoopid lol