trimesh collision not working


23-06-2013 02:07:16

collisions between trimesh cubes are not working, and collisions between cubes and trimesh cubes only works occasionally. the speed is simple gravity and the mass is 10 for all objects.


24-06-2013 10:18:28

collisions between trimesh cubes are not working, and collisions between cubes and trimesh cubes only works occasionally. the speed is simple gravity and the mass is 10 for all objects.

I don't think that bullet supports dynamic trimesh-trimesh for btBvhTriangleMeshShape. AFAIK it is intended for static meshes only. I've only used dynamic btBvhTriangleMeshShapes for testing shape creation from an entity.

You could try a (1)btConvexHullShape, (2) a compund-shape made up of primitives or btConvexHullShapes, (3) btGImpactConvexDecompositionShape.

Problem is if you are using the Windows python-ogre sdk the version of bullet, for the above:
(1) There is no way reduce the vertices passed to btConvexHullShape, this was updated later version python-ogre bullet.

shape = bullet.btConvexHullShape()
for v in vertices:

3) GImpactConvexDecomposition isn't included in any version.

Maybe you could tell us what version of python-ogre you are using.